Flametree Weight Loss Programs Online & In-Studio.
This 10 class pack (& 2 FREE) is the best path to get started at weight loss Darwin, 0r wherever
When I (Christine), gave up sugar, I threw out two garbage bags of higher sugar jams, relishes, condiments, honey, and fruit juice. It’s been worth it. Check out my easy and effective weight loss programs online or in Flametree Yoga studio. There are several powerful elements, combined for a very low cost. The best way to try the yoga is via a 10 class pack with 2 classes free. (After that, the pay-by-the-week deals are super cheap). It works whether you’re looking for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever. Learn more below.
The Flametree Yoga Weight Loss Program has the following elements or steps.
- Eating nutritious food, including an adequate amount of protein
- Reduction of sugar in the diet, including at least highly sugared fruit
- Regular yoga & breath meditation to improve mindfulness, intentionality, and movement, as well as to reduce stress
- Various stages of intermittent fasting
- Regular weighing and recording of your weight
- Phone support by an intermittent faster, to help keep you on track
- Existing and ongoing access to information that will inform and motivate you
- Getting sufficient sleep so as to help avoid weak moments!
There’s no charge other than the very low-cost yoga classes, including the free trial options. In the Flametree Weight Loss Program, you get all of the above elements as part of the deal.
It works, and it based on the science of intermittent fasting.
Ideally, it’s also very useful to do our mini course on breath meditation, including mindful eating. In addition, if you’ve done at least 3 months of yoga already, start any of our weekly breath meditation classes.
You can also start right away. For ideal results, you need to do around three beginner or non-beginner yoga classes a week.
Learn more below, or get started by checking out Flametree’s low-cost yoga packages.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

Yoga is a key part of weight reduction programs online or wherever. Postures can be simple, like this, or more advanced (as and when you can).
Your weight is your business only
Flametree offers a Weight Loss Program because it’s well aware that many people have various reasons for wanting to weigh less, look more toned, be trimmer, achieve more longevity, or pursue further aspects of wellness.
In my case, I (Chris) now keep my weight low for the longevity and wellness benefits. But given that I’m a Senior Yoga Teacher, it also helps me demonstrate yoga postures.
In offering this Program, Flametree makes no judgement at all about anyone’s weight. Your weight is your own business. It’s also clear that persons of any size can do good yoga.
However, for those who are variously interested in long term and ongoing weight loss, Flametree’s approach to weight loss is highly effective, and excellent value for money.
Flametree also considers that it’s important that those who choose, can have access to the information and practical program that Flametree offers.
This 10 class pack (& 2 FREE) is the best path to get started at weight loss Darwin, 0r wherever
Sustainable change based on research
The founder and Senior Teacher of Flametree (Chris), and her partner, use the steps outlined below. The program is based on current research they have done and continue to do. Some of that research is below, and more is provided as part of the Program.
There’s nothing secret about Flametree’s approach. The various parts of it are just assembled from approaches that millions have tested. The regular yoga that Flametree offers, and the support you’ll get around that, is a key foundation of the Program.
Other physical activity is a poor substitute for yoga, because of the unique attributes of yoga that will be outlined.
Lastly, Flametree’s approach is to create a Weight Loss Program Online or In-Studio, that you can implement for lasting change. It is not about crash diets. Among other things, they are rarely sustained, even if effective in the short term.
Flametree’s top focus is giving you tools to improve your ongoing wellness. That can include improving your chance of living a long life (or so-called longevity), if that is also part of your personal objectives.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

Simple restorative yoga poses increase mindfulness, and reduce stress, which in turn cuts appetite. Try Flametree’s new approach to online yoga classes for weight loss, or do classes in studio at 3 locations across Darwin. Mix the yoga with the other 7 steps outlined on this page. Try the best way to lose weight.
Outline of the steps of the Program for weight loss Darwin & beyond
Below, each of the above elements or steps of the Program are further outlined.
Flametree Yoga charges nothing for the Weight Loss Program, including the phone support, other than the normal cost of the yoga classes. As outlined below, there are several packages that make ongoing yoga very cost effective.
In the sections below, you’ll see a brief outline of what is involved in each element of the weight loss program. There are also links to other supporting information, including information and stories on the Flametree web site.
The information below is deliberately on the shorter side. Flametree considers the key thing is to arm you to get on with the program. You can then get further information as you go.
Get started, and the Flametree will work with you on your journey. The information below has everything you need to start now.
The eight main steps below are designed and sequenced so you can work on each of them steadily, and at the same time.
However, eating nutritious food, with no snacking and low sugar, are the first of the various steps. These steps will set you up for making the best progress with other steps, such as doing yoga and fasting.
Step One. Eating nutritious food, including adequate protein
A first step in your intermittent fasting journey is to steadily make some changes in what you eat, as well as how and when you eat.
Within the window of time when you are able to eat (as discussed further below), aim to eat just three nutritious meals, and nothing more. If needed, at first, add on one snack between two of the meals. However, again, it should be a nutritious, small, snack.
To eat nutritious food, choose food based on common sense. We all know that fresh vegetables, especially those that are green, red, or orange, are good for you.
Use simple, easy ways to cook them, such as stir frying in a wok or pan, with only a little olive oil and water. Season them with sauces like merin, soy, and teriyaki.
If possible, also consider baking vegetables in the well-known weber ovens, or in your regular oven.
Ensure that you have sufficient protein each day, whether it be from animals or plants. Sufficient protein will help stop you feeling hungry, as well as have you feel like you are fuller.
Note that highly processed food will have you feeling hungry again relatively quickly. So, avoid it. In addition, note that almost all fast-food outlets mainly sell highly processed food that contains a relatively high amount of sugar.
Also ensure that you have some protein with your breakfast. Some good options are to use grains that are commonly associated with South America, such as chia and quinoa flakes. For example, for a delicious breakfast, soak them overnight, and then cook them with a banana added.
Avocado based low carb wraps are another starting point.
In your Weight Loss Program, you’ll be steadily pointed to other recipe options.
This 10 class pack (& 2 FREE) is the best path to get started at weight loss Darwin, 0r wherever

Restorative yoga to extend the chest, and decrease stress. Reducing stress is a key part of losing weight. That’s why Flametree’s Weight Loss Program is among the best ways to lose weight. Check out our 8 steps for the best approach to yoga and diet for weight loss.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.
Step Two. Reducing sugar and highly refined food
The reduction of sugar in the diet, including fruit, is a key part of eating nutritious food, reducing weight, and improving your health.
The average Australian consumes 60 grams of free sugars per day. That’s about 14 teaspoons of white sugar. It’s well over and above the World Health Organisation’s healthy level of six teaspoons for women, and nine teaspoons of sugar for men each day.
Sugar is added to food because it makes food taste better, and therefore increases sales and profits. As you gradually reduce sugar, you will quickly notice when something is overly sweet. You’ll also come to enjoy having much less sugar, or no sugar.
Throughout the West, we’re usually brought up on diets that are very sugary, and highly processed. We’re even brought up on the idea that almost unlimited fruit, including high sugar fruit, is good for you.
Remember, sugar is sugar, no matter where you’re getting it from. It’s also added to most bought food, and it’s hard to pick up that it’s there.
So, here are some of the quick, practical steps you can take to change this. First, don’t eat more than once piece of fruit a day, and ideally have that be one of the lower sugar fruits.
Second, be aware that foods like rice, will quickly spike your blood sugar levels. Aim to greatly reduce these sorts of foods as well.
If needed, you can eat a limited amount of breads, if you can’t live without them. But use some of the many healthier types including light weight or low carb wraps, or types of “pitta pockets”.
Check the fine print
Third, when you shop, read the label to check the amount of sugar in your regular foods. Aim to keep sugar to around 3-4% of each item, or less.
Again, with fast food, the sugar content is harder to ascertain. Be aware it’s probably there. For example, many sushi rolls have sugar added!
In this regard, be aware that low fat foods often have higher levels of sugar added. Either get the very low sugar version of such foods, or don’t eat (or drink) such foods at all.
To motivate and inform yourself further, consider reading a Kindle e-book such as “Sweet Poison”. (However, unless you want to, it’s not necessary to read such books, or even the links with this page. You have enough information in this Post to get well under way).
Snacking increases inflammation
For some more motivation to avoid snacking, remember that it increases inflammation. Inflammation increases puffiness in your body, as well as a ruddy or rougher skin complexion. So it doesn’t look good!
Even worse, inflammation increases disease risk, and is sometimes even deadly. For your information, Flametree has summarised a podcast by Dr Merad, who is a world expert on inflammation.
She says that when we eat, our immune system cells are forced into continual action, to check what we have eaten for “foreign invaders”.
As a result of her research, Dr Merad also uses intermittent fasting in order to reduce inflammation.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

Using a prop allows you to stay longer in a pose, and get more benefits from it. Try weight loss Darwin or for wherever. It’s highly effective yoga for weight loss that you can sustain ongoingly, as many have. It’s also suitable as beginners yoga for weight loss.
Step Three. Regular yoga, especially restorative yoga
Regular yoga, and ideally breath meditation (also known as pranayama) will improve your mindfulness, intentionality, and movement, as well as reduce your stress level. It also improves concentration and willpower.
Most importantly, reducing stress reduces your desire to eat. All good quality yoga reduces stress. But the most effective stress reduction is done via Easy Restorative Yoga (for beginners and non-beginners), or Restorative Yoga (for non-beginners only).
To some extent, restorative yoga poses are also built into many of Flametree’s yoga classes. They’re especially at the beginning and end of classes, as well as Gentle Yoga, Yoga For Immune System, and Women Only Yoga.
As outlined further on Flametree’s main weight loss page (on the Flametree Yoga site), Yoga and breath meditation also improve mindfulness and intentionality. Both of these qualities give you enormous help with implementing intermittent fasting.
The additional movement you’ll do with yoga is helpful, but it’s not the major mechanism by which yoga helps weight loss. Dr McCall, a medical doctor, and yoga expert, explains why at Flametree’s weight loss page.
Whether you are a beginner or non-beginner, Flametree recommends that you do at least three yoga classes a week, including at least one restorative yoga class.
High quality yoga for best results for weight loss Darwin & beyond
Last, make sure the yoga you choose is good quality yoga. Sadly, most of the yoga taught in the West is imprecise, and overall low quality. It’s especially true of gyms, or other places where you’re learning with teachers who have only 200 hours of teacher training, and who’s own yoga practice started relatively recently.
Use yoga, such as Iyengar yoga, that gets you precisely into the correct postures (even if with the help of props). Remember, if you’re not actually in the posture in the correct way, then you can’t get the benefits of the posture.
It’s also been shown that high quality yoga can be done very well online, especially if its done in an interactive way, where the teacher can observe, and provide appropriate feedback.
So, if needed, shop around for high quality yoga, or do it online, where you know the quality is good.
By the way, as you get further into yoga and intermittent fasting, you’ll notice that it improves your toning and strength. It’s partly due to the so-called Human Growth Hormone that is generated.
When you’re using high quality yoga, you’ll see the best improvements via these processes.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

Yoga builds strength. Intermittent fasting will help that to. Try our weight loss programs online or via weight loss Darwin, or wherever.
Best yoga packages for weight loss Darwin & beyond
For the Flametree Weight Loss Program, yoga classes (other than the restorative yoga mentioned above) can depend on your own condition, at least at the time you start yoga. Other classes can be drawn from anywhere on the Flametree timetables for beginners or non-beginners.
Beginners who are stiffer will find it useful to include either Gentle Yoga or Yoga for Back, Neck & Shoulders. Because de-stressing is the key yoga benefit that you need, it does not matter if you are starting out with these slower and easier forms of yoga.
If you’re doing two or three classes a week, as a beginner, then the pay-by-the-week packages are the best value. The online only package is $9.95 a week, and the in-studio (Darwin region) package is $15.95 a week.
For example, with the above online pay-by-the-week yoga pass, you get 3 ONLINE classes for just $3.32 each. For the pay-by-the-week beginner yoga pass, you get 3 IN-STUDIO classes at only $5.32 each.
In-studio classes are in the Darwin region, including at three locations (Darwin, Palmerston, and Casuarina).
Another good option is the ten class pass at $9.90 per in-studio class, and $7.90 per online class.
Flametree’s Breath Meditation (aka pranayama) classes can be started once you’ve done at least three months of regular yoga. When you’re ready, try ten free breath meditation classes.
If you have an existing yoga pass, then pranayama can be part of the package.
Implement steadily & simultaneously
Once you’ve got a yoga package, you’re ready to start implementing the steps outlined.
In particular, remember it will be steadily increasing your mindfulness and will power, as well as reducing the stress that drives eating.
That’s why it’s worth steadily implementing all these steps simultaneously.
Flametree stresses that yoga, as with the other steps of this Program, can be done gradually, so as to make it sustainable. However, you will notice some changes within a week or two.
For example, Chris, Flametree’s accredited Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher, noticed much better sleep from the very right after her first yoga class. Many other benefits then also blossomed quickly.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

A typical restorative yoga pose. Try weight loss Brisbane, via Flametree’s weight loss programs online.
Step Four. Various stages of intermittent fasting
Flametree uses so-called intermittent fasting over the course of each day.
Every day, you have a “window” when you eat, plus a fasting period (including overnight), when you eat nothing, and avoid snacking.
The period of your fasting is steadily increased, as and when your body adjusts. Flametree suggests you start with twelve hours of fasting (including overnight), such as by having your last food of the day by 7 or 9 pm, and then no further food until 7am or 9am.
Do the whole process very slowly, via only small changes at one time. You’re making changes that will potentially last a lifetime.
During the fasting period, you can drink green tea, or regular coffee and tea with only a very small amount of milk. For example, you might do this in the morning, when you are waiting for breakfast time.
Green tea is especially useful to help you avoid feeling hungry. (Use either flavored green tea, or mix it with peppermint or licorice tea, so as to make it more delicious. Your supermarket has plenty of green tea options, or try T2, or a health food shop).
Once you find you can manage these 12-hour fasts, then steadily expand it to 14 hours, 16 hours, and more.
Chris Lalor’s personal story of fasting
For example, Chris Lalor, who owns and manages Flametree, now has breakfast and lunch within a four-hour period.
But that took some years to get to. However, early in her fasting journey, she quickly got many benefits, such as weight loss, mental clarity, energy, strength, and toning.
Flametree’s approach to fasting is based especially on the very successful work and publications of Dr Jason Fung, from Canada. In Chris’ story of her fasting journey and it’s benefits, she talks more about Dr Fung.
Alternatively, check out a personal weight loss story from Miriam, another Flametree yoga student. (Miriam found that yoga reduced her desire to eat even though she did not consciously use fasting).
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

Kim, a teacher at Flametree, shows how to use props to de-stress systematically. Flametree’s weight loss program online or in-studio teaches you the best full body yoga stretches so as to get a top full body yoga workout for beginners. Nevertheless, the eight steps will work well with whatever level of yoga that is appropriate for you.
Step Five. Regular weighing and recording of your weight
To help keep you on track, it’s useful to weigh yourself periodically, such as every 2 to 4 weeks.
Among other things, it will help tell you if you are achieving your aims, or if you’ve slipped backwards as a result of too much sugar, or whatever.
For example, one of our students had a period of indulging in too many high sugar berries. He suddenly found his weight climbing rapidly. After he noticed it via his bathroom scales, he quickly wound it back.
In addition, record your weight at the start of your weight loss journey. It also helps to save your weights in either a notebook, or a suitable app, such as Evernote.
You don’t need to get high tech about how you record weights. Instead, just keep a commonsense eye on where your weight is heading.
Apart from that, be aware that fasting will also increase your muscle relative to your fat. Muscle weighs more than fat.
So sometimes you may be making excellent progress with improving muscle toning, and even looking better (if that’s an objective), but your weight will stay roughly the same.
Overall, your weight will very likely come down as you implement this Flametree Weight Loss Program. That’s what Chris Lalor, and other Flametree students have found. On the Flametree weight loss page, you’ll see links to some of their stories and videos.
For example, Angie’s success is an inspiring account of her yoga and weight loss journey.
Chris has also told the story of her sugar reduction journey.
Step Six. Phone support to help keep you on track
As a further free part of the Flametree Weight Loss Program, it offers a 15-minute call every 2 to 4 weeks.
The objective is simply to check in with you, provide any extra hints or motivation that you need, and to answer questions.
In the call, you’ll be talking with a very experienced intermittent fasting and yoga practitioner, who is also well across the range of research, and researchers, in both the yoga and fasting literature.
It’s obviously not compulsory for you to be part of this aspect of the program, or any other part of it. Flametree is simply about giving you the best mix of tools to get the objectives you seek, as well as some extra motivation.
Once you start the Flametree Weight Loss Program, please email [email protected].
Let us know you’ve started, and the best phone number to reach you on. Flametree will be in touch to check out a convenient time for some calls.
In particular, if you’ve been searching for people like a “private weight loss coach near me”, then try our weight loss program with phone support.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

Miriam used Flametree’s approach to cut weight. Here she’s doing online yoga at home, with a PC plugged to her TV.
Step Seven. Existing and ongoing access to information
Flametree has been researching, testing, and implementing the Weight Loss Program for a number of years.
Flametree knows that nothing except what you’ve read above is needed to make a very good start with pursuing whatever outcomes you want from intermittent fasting.
However, we’ve included this section if you want more.
So, the various elements of intermittent fasting, including the use of yoga, have been also researched and documented by a wide variety of experts in their field.
In this document, there are links to some summaries of that information, including Dr McCall on the Flametree weight loss page.
In this regard, it’s also worth noting that there are many misconceptions about yoga. Few people, other than those who are yoga experts, such as Dr McCall, know its real attributes. Flametree’s blog and Facebook page regularly has updates on such matters.
Flametree is also ongoingly researching and writing further summaries of relevant information. As part of the Weight Loss Program, your access to such material will be prioritised.
Flametree’s aim is to have you know that its approach is based on state-of-the-art and up to date research, as well as to have you get information that will inform and motivate you.
Step Eight. Getting sufficient sleep
We are all aware that when we get insufficient sleep, we are more likely to “pig out” on the wrong foods, or simply drop our fasting regime.
Flametree follows the recommendations of Professor Matthew Walker, a world-renowned expert on sleep. For much more on his findings, and its implications, check out this Flametree post on sleep.
In addition, if you wish see more of his findings and recommendations on why to get good sleep.
Essentially, Professor Walker suggests around 8 hours sleep, in a dark and cool room.
Some additional information on his tips are in this Post about Professor Walker.
The correct amount of good sleep will help you avoid weaker moments with your intentions, we well as maximise your personal effectiveness, and even happiness.
The good news is that de-stressing with yoga, and some of the simple yoga poses you learn, are very effective ways to improve your sleep.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

Another posture that also builds strength. Flametree’s weight loss program is also very effective if you’re looking for programs like “full body men yoga”.
Try weight loss Darwin, or for far beyond
So, if you want the many benefits outlined, please give the Flametree Weight Loss Program a try.
The Women Only class also has an upcoming classes on both mindfulness, and intermittent fasting. They will then go into the Flametree library of yoga video classes.
All Flametree yoga classes are both online and in-studio. So, it works whether you’re looking for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.
There’s no cost to you except the cost of whatever number of yoga classes you do per week. The rest of the weight loss benefits will flow on from the mindfulness and other attributes you’ll get.
Remember, the pay-by-the-week yoga deals start with two weeks free. Here again are the top yoga deals that Flametree suggests.
If you’re doing two or three classes a week, as a beginner, then the pay-by-the-week packages are the best value. The online only package is $9.95 a week, and the in-studio (Darwin region) package is $15.95 a week.
Another good option is the ten class pass at $9.90 per in-studio class, and $7.90 per online class.
Remember, for both beginners and non-beginners, once you start the Flametree Weight Loss Program, please email [email protected]. Let us know you’ve started, and the best phone number to reach you on.
If you hold an existing Flametree yoga pass, you can either add additional classes or class types to the package, or move to an unlimited pass. For example, many students do this to include pranayama.
If you need, check out all the most popular beginner and non-beginner yoga passes.
But if you’re a non-beginner, then also start with the ten free pranayama classes.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

There are plenty of yoga postures that build core strength. These types of strength building poses, or easier preparatory poses, can be part of your yoga program for weight loss. If you’re searching for “weight loss programs near me”, or a “weight loss clinic near me”, or any similar terms, then try the program outlined on this page.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.
Summary of some healthy food issues
As you seen, the best way to lose weight is a mix of the key steps above, not fad diets.
Items like whole grains, low-calorie diets, fewer calories, using a meal plan, and a low-carb diet can be part of avoiding weight gain. But long-term weight management needs to include what we’ve outlined.
There are advantages to a plant-based diet, but a healthy lifestyle has to also have regular physical activity, keeping an ongoing track of eating habits, and the state of your muscle mass.
In the process, you may have to make some lifestyle changes. Plus, a systematic review of the variety of foods you eat may be worthwhile for a start.
If you pursue what we outline, your body mass index will improve as you implement your weight loss plan.
Obviously, if you have medical conditions, or other health conditions, then check with your doctor first.
The latest research shows success is about more than calorie restriction, and other buzz words like calorie deficit, dietary fiber, strength training, diet plans, other popular diets, or even a vegetarian diet.
Options for weight loss Darwin and far beyond
Before you get to anything like bariatric surgery, or any other weight loss surgery at the Darwin Private Hospital, or wherever, try the healthy weight Program as Flametree.
Again, if you’re dealing with high blood pressure, or other health problems, then check first with your doctor.
As you can see, a solution is also more than just meal plans and detox programs. Flametree offers you an overall health solution. Your weight loss goals are part of that.
Flametree’s holistic practices also offer you easier access to a new look way of even dealing with severe obesity.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.
Weight loss programs online work
Your online weight loss program can be implemented in whatever area you live. An online program has no boundaries.
Again, check with your doctor, or medical provider, for medical advice about any existing medical condition, especially if you have issues like heart disease, or other health issues including mental health.
An effective weight-loss program, like the heathy eating and exercise programs via yoga outlined above, will be much more effective than a traditional diet plan.
You also don’t need weight watchers to have the best weight loss program.
The research now shows the most effective weight loss program has the type of steps we’ve outlined.
As we’ve also said, use your common sense about food groups, a body weight in the recommended range for healthy eating, and whatever fat loss you seek.
Use the health coaches at Flametree to work through the best fit for you, including an appropriate “diet program”, and exercise plan via yoga.
If you wish, check out the science of intermittent fasting, or how it’s possible to use yoga to transform your eating habits.
This 10 class pack (& 2 FREE) is the best path to get started at weight loss Darwin, 0r wherever
What folks about weight loss programs online or in-studio at Flametree.
Miriam says: “I trimmed 13 of the big K’s in the first half of the year I started yoga. Yes, 13!”
Angie adds: “Over several months, I lost all that waist 12K (or 26 pounds) that had come with menopause … without even trying.”
Guy I also found: “Over the 12 months, there were 8 of those K’s gone… and it’s continuing to drop at a steady 200 grams a month.”
Wayan told us: “Suddenly, 8 of those Kilos were gone! And I maintained it.”
Plus, Chris, the Senior Yoga Teacher at Flametree, says mindfulness from yoga made it possible.
Chris says: “…the mindfulness that I get from yoga makes it easier to control my eating.”
These folks used mixes of in-studio or online yoga. So if you’ve been looking for a “weight loss center near me”, or anything similar, then try Flametree.
Yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.

Chris Lalor also teaches pranayama (aka breath meditation). Try it with 10 free pranayama classes. See yoga packages to start weight loss programs online or for weight loss Darwin, weight loss Cairns, weight loss Townsville, weight loss Brisbane, or wherever.
I was doubtful, but this weight loss product exceeded my expectations. From 115kg to a stunning 70kg, it truly works wonders.