My yoga story
After childbirth, Flame Tree Yoga Studio Darwin NT helped me hugely. Here’s my story of how and why I finally found the best beginner yoga class Darwin.
At the time, my daughter was still young. But for 2 years after her birth, I kept the same full figure that came with the pregnancy.
During the pregnancy, I got up to 75 kilos, and I am only medium height at best!
For those 2 years after birth, the full figure only improved a bit.
Then I did two beginner yoga courses at Flametree Yoga Studio Darwin.
Suddenly, 8 of those Kilos were gone! And I maintained it.
Maybe even better, I did the Women Only yoga class, and my menstrual pain was gone.
Better again, the back pain I had disappeared. I’d had it since a motor bike accident when I was much younger, in Bali, where I’m from.

My first yoga class at Flame Tree Yoga Studio Darwin NT was the start of one of the best journeys of my life.
Best beginner yoga in the studio or online
Non beginner deals: from 30 days for $14.95 (AUD), for online, unlimited class
Flame Tree Yoga Studio private classes, online or in-studio
Beginner yoga got me started
I came to Australia in 2012, when I married my Australian husband.
I knew about yoga since I was young in Bali. I was always interested to try it.
So I went to Flametree Yoga Studio Darwin. (I did it in their studio, but have now also been to some of their online classes).
The beginner course deal had unlimited classes, so I went to 5 or 6 classes a week.
First, I noticed that I slept better.
I also liked the impact on my mind. It gave me motivation, and at the same time made me calmer.
For the first couple of years after my daughter’s birth, I was faced with all the issues that stay-at-home new mums face.
I was a bit depressed, and felt that I was kind of out of the loop of life.
Mums at home also often don’t have the confidence to go out. Part of the same under-confidence is that I also compared myself to others too much.
And body image was a particular problem for me. I wanted to be stronger. Before going to Flametree Yoga Studio Darwin, I felt I was too weak.
Yoga set me up for better things
I guess I had lost some confidence, and that full figure from the pregnancy didn’t help.
But yoga has given me strength to handle life, to think clearly, and be more confident. Plus all those other worries have all gone too.
Now things are all going well.
I’m grateful to Flametree’s Iyengar style of yoga… because my first attempt at yoga did not work out.
At Flametree Yoga Studio Darwin, I was able to start at the beginner level, and then move to the Transition to Intermediate, or Trans level. Then I moved upwards to a mix of Flametree’s Intermediate and Experienced levels.
I found the Trans level was more exciting. There were many more poses you could learn… and from which you could get more benefits.
I’ve also been to Pranayama or breath meditation. It’s taught me to breathe better, and made me more intentional.
When I feel stressed, I practise breathing at home and it makes me calmer.
The first time I went to Pranayama, I did not understand what it was about… but I’ve got it now.
Yoga at home
I then asked my partner to buy me some yoga props for Xmas… so I could do some yoga at home or online, or both. (It works when my daughter doesn’t climb all over me!)
When I was a child, I used to get sore in the back of the legs. It used to happen several times a week. Maybe it wasn’t enough of the right kind of food. But since I’ve been doing yoga at Flametree, it hardly ever happens.
The stretching from yoga is what seems to stop it. For example, stretching poses like Half Angles and Down Dog pose.
I’ve also gotten a lot stronger. I notice it most in Headstand pose, like you can see below. I used to bend, or be lopsided. My teacher used to adjust it. She’d also let me know it wasn’t straight.
Then I got very straight in Headstand. It’s from the adjustments, and because I’ve got the new strength to hold me up. The flexibility in the shoulders also made it easier to be straight.
Connecting with my body like this is a marvelous feeling. I find yoga is the best way to unite the body. It allows you to feel all parts of the body, and really stretch all of your muscles.
Other benefits
As a new mum, my mood used to go up and down.
But, after my time at Flametree Yoga Studio Darwin, I don’t feel that anymore.
I just think about the fact that I am actually quite busy… with my work, my daughter, and my partner.
I’ve also enjoyed making some new friends at the yoga studio. It’s good to meet people with similar circumstances and interests.
It’s also inspiring to see how much progress they also make with their yoga.
I noticed that a lot of the people at yoga are 40 and above. That’s good, but I’d also like to see more who are 20 and 30 something.
When I talk to them, they say yoga it’s too quiet, and they want to be sweating!
But I find yoga classes anything but quiet. After a yoga session, I can feel it in my muscles. But at the same time, I feel both more calm, and more energy.
Flametree Yoga Studio Darwin NT Iyengar yoga style
Maybe the folk who feel like this have not tried the Iyengar yoga style that is done at Flametree.
Among other things, I find it is amazing to use all the yoga props, so you can get more out of each pose.
And for beginners, you often can’t get into the poses initially (or properly), without using props.
If you don’t use props, and work at the right level, yoga can sometimes feel too sore.
Then you think to yourself, I don’t want to do yoga again, because it’s too hard. So you give up, and stop exercising. Using props properly can change that.
It’s about learning what is right for the body. It is a matter of understanding “this is my limit for now”.
Many people doing gym push it too far, too fast. They don’t know their limits. So they hurt themselves, or have to look for a massage to help with the soreness, or worse.
Inverted poses
At Flametree yoga studio Darwin , the upside-down (or inverted) poses were at first a bit of a freak out for me.
Especially when doing the handstand, being upside down felt strange.
I learnt to do and love all the inverted poses. In the inverted poses, the extra blood in the head gives energy.
New opportunities at Flametree’s yoga studio Darwin
So yoga opened up many new and wonderful things for me.
Everybody gets different things from it, depending on what’s going on for them. Yoga changed me and my life on so many fronts.
Try yoga.
Learn more about the beginner course deals and beginner timetable, including FREE two week trials.
Best beginner yoga in the studio or online
Non beginner deals: from 30 days for $14.95 (AUD), for online, unlimited class
Flame Tree Yoga Studio Darwin NT private classes, online or in-studio
Flametree Yoga Studio Darwin NT class times
Each beginner class is in-studio in Darwin, Australia, or LIVE and online, at the local time of Darwin, Australia (+9.30GMT).
At the beginner timetable, there is also a time zone converter which shows the times in your local time zone. (Look immediately under the timetable grid to see the local time zones.)
The classes are all standard, introductory hatha yoga poses.
There’s also special focus options, including Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Back (& Neck & Shoulders), and Easy Restorative Yoga.
Beginner Yoga Darwin NT in City, Palmerston, Casuarina, & Woolner. Plus online
A Flame Tree Yoga Studio Darwin Beginner level yoga class can be started at any time.
There’s also a two week free trial. You need a credit or debit card, but unless you continue after the trial, you pay zero.
Follow the relevant links to learn more about the most popular of Flametree’s beginner yoga deals.
Beginners can just pay week to week, or there is also a beginner course, in-studio or online.
If you are in the Darwin region, there are yoga classes in each of Palmerston, Casuarina, CBD, and Woolner.
Best beginner yoga in the studio or online
Non beginner deals: from 30 days for $14.95 (AUD), for online, unlimited class
Flame Tree Yoga Studio Darwin NT private classes, online or in-studio
Facebook Page for Flametree Yoga Studio Darwin