Hot Flashes? Try Easy & Free Yoga Poses For All Menopause Symptoms.
Do poses free forever, but beginner classes, with 2 weeks FREE, are even better
Non-beginner yoga deal: $14 days unlimited for just $29.
Hot flashes be gone! Menopause is when menstruation stops. Here is a free iyengar yoga sequence of poses for menopause. They will be a huge help with hot flashes and other symptoms.
Menopause can happen when you are in your late forties to early fifties. But it can happen early or later than this.
It involves a transition period that can take over several years during which time there are various changes that take place in a woman’s body.
When the ovaries stop functioning, there is an increase in the other glands (thyroid) that brings about an imbalance in the hormonal system.
Typical symptoms of menopause
For some women they suffer terribly from hot flashes, high blood pressure, fatigue, heaviness in the breasts, headaches, insomnia, obesity and dry skin.
Irregular menstruation can often be accompanied with very heavy bleeding some months leaving women particularly exhausted and distressed.
Emotionally some women can feel like they are on a roller coaster. They can bounce from bouts of anxiety, periods of paranoia, short temper, jealousy, deep sadness, depression, anger, fear and a feeling of being disconnected (not grounded).
Post Menopause brings its own issues for women (vaginal dryness,incontinence, joint stiffness). We’ll discuss that another time too.
Read my (Chris’) story of how yoga reduced my menopause symptoms to nil!
A yoga practice at this critical stage in a woman life is, as Geeta Iyengar notes in her book YOGA-A GEM FOR WOMEN, ‘extremely beneficial, as it calms the nervous system and brings equipoise. It also gives one a bright outlook on life and allows one to look forward to a happier future’.
The yoga sequences of poses below should help to bring a soothing sensation to the nerves, help with hot flashes and erratic mood swings, correct the functioning of the endocrine system and bring a more positive outlook on life.
How to use these yoga sequences
Click on any of the illustrations below to get a larger image of the pose. You can also click through the poses using the arrows at the bottom of each pose. Although we’ve used Sanskrit terms for these poses, the picture is a quick illustration of how to do the pose. You’ll also find more useful discussions of how to use yoga for menopause in several articles on the Flametree blog.
As well as doing your own home practice, consider starting or re-starting yoga. I (Chris), was already doing yoga when I began menopause, and my menopause symptoms were NIL.
Consider yoga classes online, in-studio, or on-demand
FLAMETREE’S BEGINNER level classes can be joined at any time… online and in-studio. There are FREE 2-week trials and a money back guarantee. Here are 3 easy options for starting easy beginner level classes. You don’t have to be flexible to start yoga. Learn more here.
NON-BEGINNER NEWCOMERS to Flametree, or students lapsed for 6 months, who’ve done yoga, get 14 days of unlimited non-beginner classes for just $29. Learn more here.
Both beginner & non-beginner packages include Women Only classes where you learn poses to manage each stage of a woman’s life.
A longer menopause sequence 1
(Click on the pose sketch, to enlarge it).
All of the following poses are shown in the diagrams.
- Seated Baddha Konasana- either to wall/ or chair behind
- Seated Upavistha Konasana-either to wall /or chair behind
- Adho Mukha Svanasana-head support
- Uttanasana – head support feet wider than hip width apart, toes turned in
- Prasarita Padottanasana – head support – helps with hot flushes
- Salamba Sirsasana- (active, or hanging )- Legs straight/can also do Baddha Konasana , Upavistha Konasana in Sirsasana
- Viparita Dandasana – Chair head support / if too difficult do cross Bolsters
- Janu Sirasana – head support
- Paschimottanasana -head support
- *******Some days add other forwards Bends like Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana,Triang Mukhaikapada, Paschimottanasana, Maricyasana1
- Salamba Sarvangasana -or supported /or Niralamba Sarvangasana
- Ardha Halasana
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana /bench or bolsters(home practice)
- Viparita Karani
- Savasana
- Pranayama-Ujjayi 1 , 11 Viloma 1,11,
Shorter menopause sequence 2
(Click on the pose sketch, to enlarge it).
All of the following poses are shown in the diagrams.
On days when you feel quite exhausted, here is a shorter practice.
- Supported Savasana
- Supta Baddha Konasana -8 mins /Supta Virasana
- Matsyasana -if not possible supta Swastikasana
- Forward Virasana -head support
- Viparita Dandasana(cross bolster)
- Setu bandha Sarvangasana -8-10 mins
- Swastikasana forward -head support
- Viparita Karani/ straight legs/ feet in baddha konasana/ Upavistha Konasana
Twists, backbends and standing poses
Here are more poses drawn from my recommended Iyengar yoga sequence for menopause.
Twists are excellent – for replenishing and stimulate adrenals, help deal with anger and depression Bharadvajasana 1&2, Madrichyasana 111, Supine twist, Standing Twists.
Backbends are great, as they stimulate thyroid and adrenals and help women cope with depression. Can be done in supported manner on days when energy is low.
Standing Poses should also be done as they invigorate the adrenal glands, bring energy and relieve joint and muscle stiffness , and keep the bones in a healthy state. The following standing poses could be done when feeling strong. Support can be used / blocks / wall / balcony rail.
- Tadasana – feet apart, toes turned in
- Tadasana feet apart raise arms palms facing each other
- Uttanasana arms folded feet apart / head can also rest on a chair
- Utthita Trikonasana
- Virabhadrasana 11
- Utthita Parsvakonasana
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Parsvottanasana
- Prasarita Padottanasana
- Parivrtta Trikonasana
- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 1&2
Abdominal poses / use belt so less tiring Navasana, Ardha Navasana, Supta Padangusthasana 1&2 (avoid Supta Padangusthasana 1 when menstruating)
Start yoga in your pre-menopausal stage of life, or earlier
Yoga has an excellent track record for helping every stage of a woman’s life, including for menstruation, plus your pre-menopause and post-menopause year.
All my menstrual issues also disappeared when I started yoga. Then I avoided any menopause issues at all.
FLAMETREE’S BEGINNER level classes can be joined at any time… online and in-studio. There are FREE 2-week trials and a money back guarantee. Here are 3 easy options for starting easy beginner level classes. You don’t have to be flexible to start yoga. Learn more here.
NON-BEGINNER NEWCOMERS to Flametree, or students lapsed for 6 months, who’ve done yoga, get 14 days of unlimited non-beginner classes for just $29. Learn more here.