Best online yoga classes free. High quality yoga you can learn and do.
Intermediate Level home practice yoga sequences.
Sketches and tips of yoga poses you can work through as much as you want.
See beginner level yoga pose sequences, available for free.
Check out free beginner yoga VIDEOS, including Gentle Yoga options.
Below, you can try the best online yoga classes free. With these sequences of poses you can design and do free daily yoga as much as you like. See the huge range of poses below, with tips. Or see our other low cost options and free trials to try the best free online yoga or free yoga online COURSES.
These yoga sequences are to help those who have just moved up from Flametree’s classes at Beginner level. So you can use them for the Intermediate Yoga Level, or the transition to it.
Yoga props will always help. Here’s more on how to improvise or buy props.
Sequence 1 for free daily yoga
Introduces new Transition to Intermediate students to the concept of “concavity” and to the poses that will help prepare one for coming up into Salamba Sirsasana (head stand).
It can take many months of preparation before you feel confident to do Headstand. In the meanwhile it is good to understand Salamba Sarvangasana fully and build up the amount of time you stay in the pose.
For Intermediate Level students it is important to practise all the leg variations in shoulderstand. In addition, become comfortable with Halasana and Karnapidasana.
Sequence 2 for free daily yoga
Continues to strengthen your body, working with the standing poses that were taught in the beginner level poses shown in this series.
Preparation to Backbends (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana).
In Transition to Intermediate you should start using blocks, with your palms facing forward. Then try the pose with palms turned out, to help lift open the chest a little more.
Practice first with the toes tucked under as shown, to strengthen the legs to engage the spine.
For Intermediate practice, have your toes turned out.
Plank is introduced into your practice. Transition students work with this pose so the arms and legs engage fully.
Then progress to Chaturanga Dandasana. Use props like in class to help with this pose.
Salamba Sirsasana –
We have included many different techniques to both strengthen the whole shoulder area and to help overcome the fear of going upside down.
For Intermediate Level Students continue working on “bunny hopping” and balancing one leg at a time away from the wall.
Free daily yoga Sequence 3
Continues consolidating Standing Poses but now introduces you to Twisting Standing poses (Parivrtta Trikonasana). See the different hand placement to learn the twisting actions.
Sequence 4. Half way!
Introduces Transition students to the more demanding balancing pose Virabdrasana 3, and a number of sitting poses.
Use the props / belts/ bolsters / blankets to help with practising these poses.
Intermediate students should also take note of the props and practice with them to improve their understanding of these poses.
Sequence 5. Nearly there!
Revises standing poses and introduces Parighasana, and Garudasana.
Twists form a large part of this sequence… both standing and sitting.
Abdominal Poses are also introduced here –
a) Urdhva Prasarita Padasana,
b) Paripurna Navasana, Supta Padangusthasana 1 & 2.
See the props that are used in the images.
Transition to Intermediate may need to practice with a belt around the feet for options a and b.
Be sure to take adequate height for Supta Virasana
Sequence 6. Keep going & congratulations.
Introduces Transition to Intermediate students to Sun Salutations.
In this Sequence you need to be mindful of using your breath to help link all the actions in the asanas. Here’s a video on how to breathe with a sun salute.
Each asana is numbered to help work with different sections.
Practise jumping too. But those with back or knee issues can step back and forward.
Begin poses included in the best online yoga classes
- Tadasana
- Inhale Namaskarasana
- Inhale Urdhva Namaskarasana
- Part hands to Urdhva Hastasana
- Exhale sweep arms and trunk to Uttanasana-Inhale concave spine LOOK UP
THEN LOOK BACK - Exhale jump back to Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Inhale swing trunk through the arms Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
- Exhale back to Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Inhale look forward and jump to fold into Uttanasana
- Inhale up via Urdhva Namaskarasana
- Exhale lower arms via Namaskarasana
- Tadasana
Work with this Sequence and then begin to add Plank Pose and then drop plank and add Chaturanga Dandasana. Put Plank / Chaturanga Dandasana in between 6&7. So 1—to 6 same then inhale to Plank/ or Chaturanga Dandasana/ Exhale back to 7) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana and continue.
FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS YOU CAN PRACTISE THE ABOVE SEQUENCE BUT ALSO WORK WITH THE FULL SEQUENCE. Note the Full sequence changes the order of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/ and Chaturanga Dandasana.
- Tadasana
- Inhale Namaskarasana
- Inhale Urdhva Namaskarasana
- Part hands to Urdhva Hastasana
- Exhale sweep arms and trunk to Uttanasana-Inhale concave spine LOOK UP
THEN LOOK BACK - Exhale jump back to Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Inhale swing trunk through the arms Urdhva Mukha Svanasana as above THEN
- Inhale to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
- Exhale Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Inhale Jump to Uttanasana
- Inhale up via Urdhva Namaskarasana
- Exhale lower arms via Namaskarasana
- Tadasana
Over time build up the number of rounds that you practice at one time.This practice is especially good to do in the cooler months of the year.
For Newcomers to Flametree, & Returning Students.
Unlimited NON-BEGINNER yoga for 14 days for just $29 for the whole 2 weeks
Get daily non-beginner yoga for less than $2 a class.
This deal lets non-beginner newcomers to Flametree, and Flametree students who have not done a class for 6 months, get unlimited entry to many classes a week, in any of Flametree’s non-beginner classes, in the studio or online, or a mix of both.
The non-beginner timetable is here.
This non-beginner class is for any Flametree yoga class except dedicated Beginner classes.
Get more details below, or buy the 14-day non-beginner pass, for just $29, here.
This unlimited $29 pass for 14 days is a once only opportunity to try out or reconnect with Flametree’s style of yoga, its high-quality teaching, and the many benefits you’ll get from Flametree’s yoga, including fitness, calmness, flexibility, & better relationships.
Come along if you are totally new to Flametree, or lapsed 6 months, and have done sufficient yoga so you can at least do yoga at Flametree’s lowest level non-beginner class (called Transition to Intermediate, or “Trans” level).
Buy a pass, then reserve a class. Start the best online yoga classes now.
Deals for the best online yoga classes
Doing a live yoga class, online or in-studio, has these extra advantages.
The best way to motivate yourself, or to learn faster, or
FLAMETREE’S BEGINNER level classes can be joined at any time… online and in-studio. There are FREE 2-week trials and a money back guarantee. For two weeks, get the best online yoga classes free. Then decide. Here are 3 easy options for starting easy beginner level classes. You don’t have to be flexible to start yoga.
FREE YOGA ONLINE COURSES FOR BEGINNERS. Flametree runs regular beginner courses, online or in the studio, or both. They are also incorporated into the Beginner Level classes above. All beginner deals include a non-obligation two week free trial.
NON-BEGINNER NEWCOMERS to Flametree, or students lapsed for 6 months, who’ve done yoga, get 14 days of unlimited non-beginner classes for just $29.