Non-Beginner Mixed Level Class Is Top Yoga Exercise
Yoga exercise via postures at your level, plus new learnings
Non-Beginner Mixed classes are for students at any of Flametree’s non-beginner levels. Great for yoga exercise at any level that suits you.
Quite often, especially on evenings such as 5.30pm Mondays, they are students who have relatively recently moved from beginner level to non-beginner level.
But, in addition, there could be ongoing Intermediate or Experienced Level students in the class too.
Your Iyengar yoga teacher is also experienced in teaching at the level of whoever is in the class on the day.
So, they will adjust the level of poses to your level, or the level of different groups of students who may be in the class.
In addition, they will give alternatives and options to suit particular individuals, or groups of individuals.
Example of how your teacher helps your yoga exercise
For example, some students moving from beginner level, or who are new Vinyasa style students doing some classes at Flametree, may not yet have learned headstand.
In such cases, or in the case of other poses that have not yet been learned, the teacher will teach that particular pose to an individual in the class, or a group of some individuals in the class.
At the same time, those who already know the pose, will get on with doing it.
No matter where you’re at, the teacher will be watching what you’re able to do, and will give assistance as needed.
In summary, Flametree teachers will always adjust the level of the class for the actual mix of students in the class on the day.
In addition, even within any one class, individuals will be given variations, if needed to help them get the maximum yoga benefits from any particular pose.
Non-Beginner Mixed classes are both LIVE online and in-studio (in the Darwin, Australia region).
If the time does not suit, there are also Mixed Level yoga videos which can be used on-demand.
Non-Beginner Mixed Yoga gives you more yoga
Non-Beginner Mixed classes at Flametree give you the opportunity to maximise the yoga classes you can do each week.
As with anything, the more yoga you do, the better you get, and the more benefits you get.
Wide range of benefits of yoga as an exercise
Among other things, one focus of these Non-Beginner Mixed Level classes is simply to get yoga exercise.
So, you’ll also get all the usual benefits of yoga, such as strength, cardio benefits, flexibility and calming.
Over time, you’ll learn a wide range of new postures, as appropriate to your level.
A good level of pace is maintained so as to make maximum use of your time.
It also allows enough time at the end of the class for more calming pose that will ensure both parts of your nervous systems are engaged.
Class taught to the average level of students in the class
As a result, in these Non-Beginner Mixed Level classes there can be a wide range of student capability, with each working to their own capacity, with guidance as needed by the teacher.
It means you have more scope for working at the level that suits you best. It also helps you get the most from the class.
We stress that the teacher will also base the level of that individual class on the average of the skills of the students in that particular class.
Sometimes, different Non-Beginner mixed level classes also have an established, approximate level.
If you wish, talk with your teacher about which of the various Non-Beginner Mixed classes may suit you best for now, or contact us with a question.
Payment options and class reservations
You can choose to pay by DIRECT DEBIT, or buy a 10 CLASS PASS, or pay at the CASUAL RATE.
It is a far cheaper option to use the weekly Direct Debit. This means the more classes that you do each week, the less you pay per class.
We encourage students at this level to do at least 2 classes per week, and ideally more.
The non-beginner yoga pass packages can be seen in either:
Turn up, or make a reservation
If you’re attending in the studio, you can just turn up. (Passes can also be bought at the studio, by cash or EFTPOS).
Making a reservation will speed up your check-in when you get to the studio.
But, if you turn up without a reservation, just give your teacher your name and email.
If you are attending online, then after you’ve bought a pass, make a reservation.
Then, you’ll be emailed a link to join the Zoom class.
Try our convenient options to get yoga exercise that works best for you.