Yoga Is Weight Bearing, So It Helps Bones & Immune System.
Yoga Sequence For Strong Bones, & Osteoporosis Reduction.
Try an Iyengar yoga osteoporosis approach, & a good alternative to yin yoga for osteoporosis.
Want yoga for osteoporosis near me, or similar classes? Please read on for an Iyengar yoga osteoporosis approach. It’s an excellent yin yoga for osteoporosis alternative. When I first started yoga, I never associated yoga with bone health, or realised it was very effective weight bearing exercise. Of course, I also knew nothing of the yoga poses to use in a yoga sequence for strong bones.
So, in this post, I will first outline why yoga works for bone health.
Plus, I’ll how how it can prevent or manage osteoporosis, declining bone density, and the terrible outcomes such as tragic falls.
In addition, I’ll show you a set of poses for a yoga sequence for strong bones, including yoga poses for osteoporosis reduction.
Why yoga is great weight bearing exercise
First, remember that bone is a living tissue in your body.
Therefore, yoga is an exercise that builds and maintains healthy bones, via it’s impact on that living tissue.
In other words, yoga is weight bearing exercise.
When you do yoga regularly, your bones adapt to the forces placed on them. The result is that you both build more bone, and your bones become denser, and stronger.
In particular, you’re stressing your bones each time you exercise with yoga. It encourages bones to increase their calcium content and therefore grow denser.
As a result, you reduce the tendency to porous bones that you can see pictured in this post.
It also helps to head of the impact of decreasing bone density with age, as shown in the diagram below.
The decline in bone density is especially driven by the declining levels of estrogen, from 35 onwards.
Manage declining bone density with an excellent alternative to yin yoga for osteoporosis.

Bone density declines with age, driven a lot by a decline in key hormones. An Iyengar yoga approach to high quality weight bearing yoga poses can change the outcome you may otherwise get. So, try an excellent yin yoga for osteoporosis alternative. (Yin is not as effective, because it usually involves less weight bearing activity.)
Lack of bone health is deadly
Falls leading to hospitalisations, or death, are one terrible result of decreasing bone density, and the lack of sufficient activity to deal with it’s impact.
For instance, according to government data, falls are Australia’s leading cause of injury hospitalisation and death, representing 43% of injury hospitalisations and 42% of injury deaths.
Further down this page, see also the diagram about Australian hospitalisations from falls.
In addition, falls are a major health issue, with around 30% of adults over 65 experiencing at least a fall a year.
Plus, the number of falls will increase as Australia’s population ages, with the proportion of people aged over 65, predicted to increase to 23% (8.1 million people) in 2050.
What is an Iyengar yoga osteoporosis approach?
An Iyengar yoga osteoporosis approach teaches high quality yoga standing poses, along with other weight bearing yoga asanas, so as to strengthen bones. Special attention is given to correctly “stacking” bones in yoga poses. This maximises the use of weight bearing exercise, but in a doable manner.
These matters are further explained in this post.
Plus, given that yoga is experiential, where you learn and understand by actually doing it, we encourage you to use a FREE first class, or other HALF price ten pass deals, to give it a try.

On the right, you can see the more porous nature of bones that exhibit osteoporosis. If you know you already have osteoporosis, consult with your teacher before doing classes. Among other things, they can advise on poses to avoid.
Consider starting with Gentle Yoga
The process I’m describing is helped by the many yoga postures that involve weight bearing.
For example, consider what happens with standing poses, like in the picture immediately below.
If you’ve already done yoga, you know that standing poses are done regularly.
The good news is that yoga standing poses have proven to be incredibly effective in building a strong skeleton.
In short, yoga standing poses are safe, doable, and high effective weight bearing exercise for your bones.
See any of the poses shown in this post, including the diagram with a sequence for strong bones.
But, if you know you have osteoporosis, tell your teacher. Depending on the severity, they may advise you to first do classes such as Flametree’s Gentle Yoga.
In general however, the Iyengar style of yoga at Flametree, with a focus on correct alignment and extension, will be suitable for those with osteoporosis, or other bone density issues.
Yoga for osteoporosis classes that everyone can do

Standing poses are fundamental to any yoga sequence for strong bones, and yoga poses for osteoporosis reduction.
Yoga involves weight bearing exercise.
You may also know that standing poses are a major part of most Iyengar yoga classes.
Standing poses are also of course done in other yoga styles. In the Iyengar style, however, they are usually held longer.
Holding poses a great way to build strength, and bone health.
Standing poses can also be done by jumping out into them. When you do this, you then also land with a medium impact on your bones.
Such impact is also good for bone health. (But, you can step out if you have a knee or back problem).
I’ve already mentioned how standing poses are held positions. As well as that, another particularly effective aspect of Iyengar yoga is how your bones are strengthened through aligning each part of the body.
Alignment teaches you how to correctly stack up or align each part of the body. The outcome is that you get correct skeletal and muscular tension, as well as better weight bearing, and stability.
One part of this is that your bones are “stacked” so that your weight is correctly carried through them. In turn, that again builds your bone strength and health.
Yoga classes for osteoporosis, strong bones, & more
2 FREE Beginner Yoga Classes & 10 HALF Off | New & Lapsed | Online & Studio
NON-Beginner HALF Price 10 Packs | New & Lased | Online & Studio

One leg and one arm is bearing your whole weight, thereby building bone strength. In addition, the posture is correctly aligned.
Aim to hold poses for as long as is comfortable.
Each standing pose can be held from 12 seconds to up to one minute.
When I first started yoga, I couldn’t hold poses for very long. I simply wasn`t strong enough. I also lacked the mental steadiness to stay in a pose, as well as to observe what was happening.
With practise, and introductory beginner poses that build up over time, you come to change all these limits.
So, I learnt to stay longer and to observe, or “watch”, my actions. In turn, I could then correct my posture so there was correct muscular and skeletal tension, as well as more effective weight bearing.
Although I didn’t realise it at the time, it was very important to learn to hold poses and pay attention to correct alignment. So, the more I learnt to do that, the more I could create the conditions to build strong bones.
In other words, I was also learning a yoga sequence for strong bones, including yoga poses for osteoporosis reduction.
Hospitalisations from falls in Australia in 2021-22.

Much of this death and injury from falls is preventable by using regular, easy beginner yoga such as Flametree’s weekly Gentle Yoga class. By the way, the rate of death and hospitalisations from falls is also much higher among women. See more data at this Government official source quoted above.
“Attaching” muscles to bones correctly
It also takes practise to learn how to “attach” muscles onto bones so as to get the best muscular tension, and strength.
Attaching your muscles is just a term in yoga for having your muscles work correctly and fully in conjunction with your bones.
Among other things, muscle attachment involves your muscles flattening out along the bone, rather than bulking up.
It also involves doing yoga poses so as to have your muscles, tendons, and skeleton work correctly together to maximise bone health.
All standing poses are excellent yoga for osteoporosis

Correct “attachment” is demonstrated by my right thigh. It’s flat and relaxed, rather than bulked. (It’s also why yoga gives you more of a long, lean look).
So, one important further outcome was that as I learnt to attach my muscles onto bones, I could then further strengthen my bones.
After that, I could move my bones and muscles safely into a huge range of movements.
As well as standing poses, there are also many other poses that involve weight bearing. For example, there are poses to strengthen arms, and strengthen the shoulder joints. Such poses include plank pose, side plank, handstand, and forearm balance. Some of these poses are in the pictures below.
In fact, to cut to the chase, bone yoga includes any and all of the poses in this yoga sequence for strong bones, including yoga poses for osteoporosis reduction.
Yoga for osteoporosis reduction or prevention

If you’re searching for yoga for osteoporosis near me, then Flametree’s many classes with these poses will give you your yoga sequence for strong bones.
Reduce risk via yoga for osteoporosis
Bones continue growing throughout adulthood. (Among other things, it’s why you can “grow” your bones back together if you accidentally break them).
The technical background is that the jumping into poses, the holding of standing poses, and bearing your body weight on your arms, physically stimulate your osteoblasts.
Osteoblasts are bone making cells that live inside your bones. So, in order to protect your bones, and prevent them from becoming frail, it is important to stimulate osteoblasts.
As we steadily age, bone fractures can happen as a result of a fall. It can happen even if later middle age, as your balance deteriorates.
Clearly, building muscle strength, and improving your balance through maintaining a yoga practice, will both slow the rate of bone loss, and reduce the risk of fractures.
There is also a further positive impact on your immune system. I’ll come to this in a moment.
Try an excellent yin yoga for osteoporosis alternative.

Hip fractures, driven by osteoporosis, are a painful issue that you can likely avoid, if you do enough of the right sort of yoga. So, try Flametree’s Iyengar yoga osteoporosis approach.
Balancing poses also excellent for bones
Before I continue, I want to mention how balancing poses are weight bearing poses that work beautifully for what I’ve been outlining.
In addition to helping prevent falls, they bring awareness to even up the actions in both sides of your body.
For example, consider the well-known tree pose.
Tree pose is a balancing pose that strengthens ankles, shins, and knees, as well as hips on the right and left side of the body.
Standing on one leg is great yoga for strong bones
Non weight bearing poses also help build new bones
Bones are also strengthened by other yoga poses.
For instance, a reclining pose, like reclining hand to big toe pose, also strengthens the bones of the legs.
In this pose, opposing groups of your muscles (hamstrings against quadriceps) “rub” against one another.
Consequently, this muscular interaction creates a force that stimulates your bone making cells. In other words, your osteoblast cells do more work for you.
Try Flametree’s Iyengar yoga osteoporosis approach.
Many of the poses I’m outlining will start improving your bone health immediately.
The skeletal and immune system have a complex relationship
Your skeletal and immune system are hugely interconnected.
Bone marrow is found in the interior walls of our bones. In turn, bone marrow is very important to the immune system.
All of your blood cells, including both T and B cells, originate in bone marrow.
B cells remain in the bone marrow to mature. But T cells travel to the thymus gland to do their job there.
In addition, in the bone marrow, red blood cells are produced to carry the oxygen that your body needs.
It’s also in the bone marrow that many different types of white blood cells are produced. We need these white blood cells to prevent and fight infection.
Moreover, platelets are produced in the bone marrow. These platelets help our blood clot.
All this demonstrates again how healthy bones, and healthy functions within them, are hugely important. Yoga helps your bones stay healthy and to do their job.
Key points about yoga and bone health
Studies have shown that weakened, frail bones, will reduce your body’s immune response.
Most importantly, as I’ve outlined, exercise via yoga, is vital to maintain bone health.
Yoga has proven itself to be safe, and very effective, both in keeping bones healthy, and keeping muscles strong and flexible.
Try yoga classes for osteoporosis options at Flametree

As well as helping bone strength, yoga works on joint flexibility. Try Flametree’s yoga classes for osteoporosis, strong bones, & more. Try an excellent yin yoga for osteoporosis alternative.
For example, Loren Fishman, a medical doctor, in the book “Yoga for Arthritis”, makes the point that yoga has also proven to work with those suffering from arthritis.
So, arthritis is just one more example of how yoga can maximise bone health.
2 FREE Beginner Yoga Classes & 10 HALF Off | New & Lapsed | Online & Studio
NON-Beginner HALF Price 10 Packs | New & Lased | Online & Studio
Flametree’s beginner class times
Each Flametree beginner class, or a beginner yoga online course, or in-studio versions in Darwin, Australia, are at the local time of Darwin, Australia (+9.30GMT).
At the beginner timetable, there is also a time zone converter which shows the times in your local time zone. (Look immediately under the timetable grid to see the local time zones.)
The classes are all standard, introductory hatha yoga poses.
There’s also special focus options, including Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Back (& Neck & Shoulders), and Easy Restorative Yoga.
At the non-beginner level, Flametree’s Women’s Wellness class also has a special focus on yoga for bone density issues (due to the declining levels of estrogen).
Lifting your own weight is excellent yoga for osteoporosis

A handstand lifts your entire weight. Beginners start with very doable, preparatory versions. The use of handstands, and other well aligned inversions, is one important part of try Flametree’s Iyengar yoga osteoporosis approach. They’re also an excellent yin yoga for osteoporosis alternative.
HALF price deals for beginners & non-beginners
Flametree has a large timetable of LIVE online & in-studio classes.
There are convenient and large timetables for both beginners and non-beginners.
Beginner level classes can be joined at any time.
Flametree teaches genuine, modern classical yoga that fully delivers all the many benefits of yoga.
If you want yoga classes for osteoporosis near you, then try Flametree’s online yoga classes. They’re also an excellent yin yoga for osteoporosis alternative.
Use one of the generous, introductory deals to give it a try. Please consider the deals at the links below.