Yoga Props Australia Research.
How To Improvise Props, & Cut Mat Slipperiness.
Plus how to set up a yoga space at home for better online yoga.
Beginners get 2 week FREE trial & money back guarantee, online or in-studio
Non-Beginner Newcomers get 30 days unlimited for just $79, online or in-studio
Yoga props, including restorative yoga props, and other yoga accessories, help you do a pose correctly, so you get even more of the benefit of getting into that particular yoga shape. Here’s some yoga props Australia thinking and research for Iyengar yoga with props.
Quick start guide about what props to have for class
If you’re at one our Flametree yoga locations, all mats and props are provided.
If you’re online, or using a Flametree yoga video, try to have a non-slip surface, or a mat. In addition, it’s ideal have these items:
- a folded towel for your head,
- a firm pillow,
- a kitchen chair, and
- one or two folded blankets.
Just wear comfortable clothes, and have bare feet (for better grip).
Read on to see more about props, how to improvise them, or where to buy them.
Video on using chair yoga props
The video on this page is one tiny example of how a chair prop is used in easy Beginner yoga. Any chair, such as a kitchen table chair will work.
The only advantage of using a backless chair, like to see in the video, is that you can sit with your legs through it, for poses like twists, or backbends.
Below, see our yoga props Australia research to find the best prop options for you.
Using yoga props or yoga accessories is smart, not wussy!
If you are not in the yoga shape, the various glands and other features of your body are not impacted in a way that best delivers you the benefit of the yoga pose. Follow our hints and you’ll soon be doing powerful Iyengar yoga with props, or without props (as appropriate).
Props also help you learn a pose.
The more props that students have at home, the more interesting, varied and useful our online or on-demand yoga video classes can be.
The use of props is not an indicator of whether you can or can’t do yoga, or about having the “toughness” or stamina to do without them. As you can’t see yourself doing yoga, you’ll usually fail to see that the use of a prop would more effectively let you do the pose.
For example, Mr BKS Iyengar was one of the most accomplished yoga masters of the 20th century. But even he recognised the power of props, and he invented many of them. That’s why people Iyengar yoga with props has become so popular.
For online yoga, you need to check what you can get in your local area, and we’ll talk about some of the options below.
If you are coming to Flametree’s in-studio classes, all equipment and props are supplied. You just need to wear comfortable clothes, that allow easy movement. You don’t have to have your own props.
But props are useful if you’ll be doing at least some yoga at home, such as via Flametree’s beginner yoga online deals, or yoga videos.
The minimum of props is a mat and block
For beginner yoga (except Restorative Yoga), the minimum that you need at home is a mat and a yoga block (which is about the same size as a building brick).
However, if you can get or improvise at least some of the yoga props we mention below for non-beginner use, then the better your home classes can be.
Restorative yoga props, for beginner or non-beginner classes, are discussed in the next section.

For non-beginner yoga, the more props you have, the better it will work. As soon as you can, we suggest you get a mat, block, yoga belt, bolster, and yoga chair. Then you’ll be on the fast track of doing Iyengar yoga poses with props.
Beginners get 2 week FREE trial & money back guarantee, online or in-studio
Non-Beginner Newcomers get 30 days unlimited for just $79, online or in-studio
Props for restorative yoga
Restorative yoga uses the most props. As we said, if you are in the Flametree studio, all props are supplied.
However, if you are doing online restorative yoga, here is the minimum that you need.
- 2 kitchen chairs (or the specialised yoga chairs that are easy to sit on with your legs through)
- 2 blankets.
- a cushion or yoga bolster
- 2 blocks ideally (or a pile of books of an appropriate size). Two household, thick towels can also be a substitute for blocks.
- Some sort of belt, preferably made of webbing or thick cloth.
Further down this page, we discuss some of the places and ways you can get these props, or set them up.
Improvising props from around your home
Many of these props can be improvised from around your house, including kitchen chairs, blankets, a stack of books and a firm pillow or cushions.
If you’re at home, you can also use benches, table tops and railings for support, like Chris Lalor, the Senior Yoga Teacher at Flametree Yoga, is demonstrating.
Here a few suggestions on places to find props, if you can’t get them from a mainstream yoga props shop, or they are sold out.
Low cost yoga chairs
The chair in the picture is only AUS$8 at Bunnings. It is lightweight, has a small back, and won’t fit everyone. But it is quite useful as a yoga chair.
If you have not seen a chair used for yoga, have a look at some of the pictures on our Facebook page.
As you know, most people in Australia at least, can find a Bunnings! We have also seen these chairs used by our international students.
Amazon and eBay are of course good options for all these props we are discussing here.
There are also specialist yoga prop shops in Australia, such as Iyogaprops.
Iyengar yoga with props

During the corona virus crisis, supply is obviously an issue for many such suppliers. But Iyengar yoga poses with props is popular, so you’ll quickly find somewhere that these various props are available.
Blankets and Blocks
Low cost blankets can often be found at a camping store or an Army disposal store. (If you reside in Darwin, check out NT General Store in Cavanagh St Darwin.)
If you don’t have blocks, and you have access to handy-person skills, you can also try sawing and sanding some timber that you can also buy at suppliers like Bunnings. In some respects, wood makes cheaper and better blocks than the standard foam blocks. Wood is firmer.
Get a non-slippery mat!
Mats can be bought from many retailers (including online retailers), such as Amart, K-Mart, Target, Big W, LuluLemon, Rebel, Amazon, and more.
Like everything, the quality varies. With a mat, the quality is in the thickness, and the how slippery it is or is not. (We have found the cheapest mats are mostly unable to be safely used, due to their slipperiness).
If you can afford it, buy as thick a mat as you can, & ideally test it out.
Those who have been to our studios know the thick studio mats we use. Once you’ve used them, the lightweight mats that you buy in general stores, are not nearly as enjoyable or effective.
It’s nearly always best to wash a new mat in your washing machine, with just a sprinkle of washing powder. That will get rid of much of the slip.
We like to think of this as yoga props Australia thinking! We’ve specialised in Iyengar yoga poses with props, so ask us anything you are unsure about.
How to set up yoga accessories in your own space for online or home yoga
You’ll find you get more yoga done, and its the most effective, if you set up your own space for regular yoga, especially with restorative yoga props. Do it with whatever yoga accessories you make or buy.
Even if you do some classes at the Flametree’s various physical locations, it’s worth having a space at home too. Sometimes it’s obviously just not possible to get to the studio.
First, if possible, have a space where you have all your props handy.
Second, if you’re using Flametree’s online classes, or yoga video classes, have as big a screen as you can. One good option is to plug your phone or iPad to a TV screen.
If you want guidance from Flametree’s yoga teacher, position the camera on your phone or computer so the teacher can see you clearly.
Another bonus of having a space set up is that you can use it at night, especially if it has restorative yoga props.
Flametree’s students sometimes do poses like “Legs Up The Wall” to help with sleep. It’s helpful if the bolster and mat is all set up. (See more about yoga poses for better sleep.) Legs Up The Wall pose is a favourite for those who love Iyengar yoga poses with props.

A TV connected to a PC, for online yoga
Beginners get 2 week FREE trial & money back guarantee, online or in-studio
Non-Beginner Newcomers get 30 days unlimited for just $79, online or in-studio
Yoga accessories for pranayama (or breath meditation)
If you’re coming to our online pranayama classes, (or otherwise just doing it at home), here’s the props or yoga accessories you should have handy. (If you’re coming to the studio, all props are supplied).
For those relatively new to pranayama, we do lying down pranayama. The chest is lifted and extended by the 3 folded blankets you can see below.
There are also blog posts that explain how to use yoga accessories like pranayama sticks or belts for sitting straight.

To take strain off your back, and make it comfortable, it is also good to have a bolster (or firm, longish cushions), under the knees… like me, Chris, in the picture. The props can also be used as a restorative yoga props setup.
Iyengar yoga with props

Please also have a chair handy. Preferably make it a simple chair that you can put a belt through, like in the picture. This make is easier to sit upright for a longer period than otherwise.

A long, fabric belt is also useful… both for the chair, or the knees.
Last, you can use the belt, or eye pad, to give you some extra quietness of the mind. (Here’s more about how and why pranayama works.)
Try TEN FREE pranayama classes
Our yoga props Australia research on buying props
We have seen cheap mats, blocks, and yoga belts at KMart online. Rebel also has mats (a bit more expensive), and Lululemon is at higher prices, but has blocks, belts, and mats.
As we said, eBay also has props. It possibly has more risk but if the buyer researches the seller’s profile it can be worthwhile.
If you have questions or comments, or have good tips about buying or making yoga props, please contact Senior Yoga Teacher Chris Lalor via message through our Facebook Page, or +61 448 11 22 51, or [email protected].
You can also reach out to our Customer Service Team. See the links in the bottom right of this page.
For our new or current students who are in the Darwin region (in-studio, online or on-demand), Flametree also has some props for sale at 19b Bishop Street, Woolner.
Buy a pass, & then reserve a class (& use yoga props if you like)
To find the best value yoga pass for you, use the links on this page. Alternatively, check out these other popular yoga passes.
Once you have a pass, reserve classes as you go. The links to reserve classes will be on your receipt, or on this reservation page.
Flametree’s beginner and non-beginner classes include a wide range of optional classes. They include restorative yoga, women only yoga, back care yoga, gentle yoga, and 50 plus yoga. Here at links to all Flametree classes.
Alternatively, go to the beginner timetable, or non-beginner timetable.
Learn more about the options, or buy the deals at the links below. Get started or re-started with Iyengar yoga poses with props.