Flametree’s Breath Meditation & Pranayama Packages

Pranayama Breath Meditation (online & in-studio) for non-beginners

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Benefits of breath meditation

The benefits include:

  • reducing stress, anger, anxiety, and blood pressure
  • improving sleep
  • restoring energy
  • helping maintain your immune system
  • bringing about deep relaxation
  • improving emotional and mental stability
  • changing consciousness (if that’s a goal).

Better outcomes for sleep, or anxiety, are two particularly popular reasons that our students do our breath meditation, or pranayama classes, or both.

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment. It can also be achieved via breath meditation, with the same benefits.

Some practices you’ll learn

Some of the particular practices you’ll learn over time include:

You’ll also learn how to combine these with Mudras, so the breathing practices are even more soothing, and powerful.

There’s more about how these pranayama practices work.

Get TEN FREE breath meditation classes today

Beginner & Non-Beginner Deals

If you’ve already heard enough, non-beginners at yoga can go straight to Flametree’s starter deals at the button below.

Beginners can do Flametree’s breath meditation classes as soon as you’ve done at least 4 weeks of beginner level classes. That’s so you build sufficient strength in your chest, and learn the basics of quietening your mind.

How the Non-Beginner deal and timetable works

Any of the breath meditation classes can be done either by themselves, or in conjunction with various types of yoga classes.

Breath meditation is a great way to start your day, from the comfort and convenience of your own home. It works especially well when done online.

Just try out the two Pranayama classes we teach each week (6.30am on Mondays and Fridays, in the local time of Darwin Australia).

As above, Beginners can only come to the two Pranayama classes after they have completed the 4-week Beginner Course, or equivalent. This is because the beginner course, or several weeks of the Beginner Level classes, will not only train you in introductory practices, but will also teach you more about how to extend your breath and chest in a way that supports Pranayama.

In Beginner Yoga, you can also do Easy Restorative Yoga classes.

Restorative yoga as preparation for Breath Meditation

Restorative yoga also helps you expand the chest, strengthen the body, and calm your senses.

They are especially good preparation for Breath Meditation.

In Flametree’s packages, you can also include our restorative yoga classes.

Read more about Flametree’s beginner restorative yoga options.

Read more about Flametree’s non-beginner restorative yoga options.

More on Pranayama or Breath Meditation

Read more information about our non-beginner Pranayama classes.

There’s even more about breath meditation, including the particular types of practices you’ll learn, on the Flametree blog page.

Summary of breath meditation options

In summary, Flametree’s Non-Beginner packages include Breath Meditation, online, in-studio, or on-demand.

We recommend that Beginners who are especially interested in breath meditation, should start with the Easy Restorative class at 4pm on Saturdays. It’s part of the beginner package deal. (Please check our beginner yoga timetable for seasonal times).

Non-beginners can do our two weekly Pranayama classes, at 6.30am on Tuesdays and Fridays.

There’s also non-beginner Restorative Yoga class each week, at 5.30pm Friday

Get TEN FREE breath meditation classes today