Top Yoga Alternatives to Physio Darwin Options.
Why Flametree Can Often Help More Than Any Darwin Physiotherapy Can.
I always found physio exercises too boring to do! It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with just any Physio Darwin, or the greatest Darwin physiotherapy expert a Darwin physio practice has. It’s still boring. So I (Stuart, an experienced yoga student) found that no physio in Darwin, or anywhere else, could be of sufficient help. The best physiotherapy Darwin sort of solution was not as do-able, effective, or enjoyable, as yoga.
I’m not talking through my hat. I’ve had plenty of experience with the type of physio in Darwin I’m talking about. And its not about Darwin physio. It’s the nature of the Darwin physio process itself.
Of course, if you’ve found that it works for you, then keep at it. Alternatively, don’t be as slack as me about doing it. But if you’re interested in some extra or better options, then please consider the Flametree Yoga solutions, or read my views about it all below.
Yoga Beginners Introduction (& possible alternative to a Physio in Darwin).
FREE 1st yoga class to discuss or test alternatives or additions to Physio Darwin.
HALF price deal to try yoga instead of type of Physiotherapy Darwin.

Chris Lalor, accredited Senior Yoga Teacher at Flametree Yoga, demonstrating a simple Half Angle yoga pose, using a chair as a yoga prop. This pose is often used in either Back, Neck & Shoulder Yoga, or Gentle Yoga.
My own story of attempts at physio Darwin & elsewhere
For example, I had two frozen shoulders in a relatively rapid sequence. For a start, they were probably brought on by stress, as many conditions are.
Physios did all they could, with the best of intentions, but nothing worked. (By the way, in this Post, I’m not talking about any particular Darwin Physio, or Darwin Physiotherapy firm. I’m simply using the terms in reference to any physio in Darwin).
But when I started yoga, the stress disappeared, and I gradually got the shoulders working again. Best of all, the yoga was enjoyable, with a wide range of additional and clinically proven yoga benefits.
The same thing happened after various surgeries to hands, knees, and even my brain!
From other yoga students, I hear the same about physio Darwin
In addition, as a student at Flametree Yoga, I chat to plenty of students with various conditions. When an injury crops up, some of them are already yoga students, and others have not yet started yoga.
Almost invariably, when they go to a Darwin Physio, they are told not to do yoga for some quite long period. Meanwhile, they get slow or insufficient results from the best of the physiotherapy Darwin folk they can find.
Yes, like me, they may not be doing the physio exercises as much as they should. But, like me, that’s usually because they find them too boring, dull, and repetitive.
In addition, it’s also very expensive (and sometimes too expensive) to do the extended period of one-to-one sessions that the Darwin physio says is ideal.
The exercises that are prescribed are also often hard to remember.
In addition, these injured folk, or people with ongoing conditions, are just too busy with work and life to give it the large amount of attention and time that the Physio Darwin person recommends.
Sometimes, a Darwin Physio will also give you advice which a good quality yoga teacher considers to be wrong or inadequate. In particular, any physiotherapy Darwin advice will usually not include enough gentle stretching.
So, the upshot is that they’re told to not do the one thing (yoga) that is very likely to help, and they’re variously not able, or willing, to do whatever the Darwin physio has recommended.

Chris demonstrates a modified Triangle yoga pose. It helps gently stretch, build flexibility, and increase movement.
Solutions with the guidance of a yoga teacher
When these students, with or without the say-so of the physiotherapy Darwin practitioner, finally starts some yoga under the guidance of a trained yoga teacher, they usually and quickly start to see progress with fixing, or managing the condition.
If they have any pain or irritation with the condition, that is also often quickly reduced, or eliminated.
Of course, it’s important to act with the guidance of a yoga teacher, and preferably a very good one. But the avoidance of yoga is usually a backward step.
So, my suggestion is that when you think you need a Darwin physiotherapy solution, talk to Flametree Yoga first. Then make up you mind, with the help of a highly trained yoga teacher, whether a Darwin physio can help.
Reach out to Flametree via the links on this page, or at Flametree’s Contacts.
In many cases, the yoga teacher will be able to recommend suitable yoga postures that will help. The advice may be to come to one or more of the ongoing yoga classes that will be suitable for your condition.
In addition, the teacher will tell you any poses to avoid in such classes, or how to modify particular conditions.
The same advice is applicable if you’re still nursing a longer-term condition where you may have given up on whatever a health professional may be able to do.
In any such situations, talk to Chris Lalor, Flametree’s accredited Senior Yoga teacher, and get her advice on if and how yoga can help.

All you need to online yoga is a PC, tablet, or phone. It’s a highly effective way to do yoga. Try it with a free first class.
Modifying yoga after my own recent surgery
For instance, in my own case, after recent surgery to my head, the various health professionals had no idea if yoga would help. In addition, when asked about it, they were very sceptical of it. But they did at least suggest I avoid inverted poses.
Elsewhere, I’ve told the story of the extensive surgery, including how yoga prepared me well for it.
So, I discussed my rehabilitation issues with my yoga teacher. Then I continued coming to my normal yoga classes. I modified some yoga postures, and avoided a few.
Meanwhile, I’m continuing to get the numerous benefits of yoga, such as fitness, calmness, balance, and flexibility. In particular, the frailty and unsteadiness that came from a serious operation and days in the ICU, quickly departed.
Back, Neck & Shoulder special class is one example
I’ll turn to another example. I hear similar things from those who come to Flametree’s special class for Back, Neck and Shoulders. These students are dealing with a wide range of conditions.
Unfortunately, a yoga class is usually their last port of call for help. Certainly, it’s rare for a health professional to recommend they try yoga.
(The only health professionals who do recommend yoga are those who have used it in they own lives. Many of them regularly refer new students to yoga).
For instance, a Flametree student by the name of Raj had a very serious back injury. Raj as written his story on the Flametree blog.
Raj tried all the health professionals, including professionals like Darwin physiotherapy folk, and nothing helped.
At Flametree, with the guidance of accredited Senior Teacher Chris Lalor, in Gentle Yoga classes, he largely fixed his almost totally paralysing condition.
Flametree Yoga regularly sees similar outcomes with a wide range of conditions.
Yoga Beginners Introduction (& possible alternative to a Physio in Darwin).
Free 1st yoga class to discuss or test alternatives or additions to Physio Darwin.
HALF price deal to try yoga instead of type of Physiotherapy Darwin.
Types of yoga classes
If you’re considering what may work best for your situation, it’s usually best to just talk direct to your Flametree Yoga teacher, especially the Senior Yoga Teacher, and Flametree Founder, Chris Lalor.
However, here is a little more background about the types of classes to consider, and the training of the Flametree yoga teachers.
Those who are just starting out with yoga, while dealing with a condition, will usually start in Back Neck and Shoulder Yoga, or Gentle Yoga, or Easy Restorative Yoga.
See more below about those classes. They can be done online or in the Woolner studio in Darwin. All are taught by Chris Lalor.
Types of yoga teachers
When considering yoga teachers, look at what style of yoga they teach, how many hours of training they have, and whether they have any additional training or qualifications.
Flametree Yoga teaches the Iyengar style of yoga. It is widely known as the “Rolls Royce” of yoga quality. Among other things, the teachers are the most highly trained, and much more time is spent to get you correctly into positions that will fully give you the many benefits of yoga.
In addition, Iyengar Yoga invented the use of yoga props, and continues to develop their use. Yoga props help you get into yoga postures that will help, as well as stay in those positions for the best amount of time.
The level of training of yoga teachers
In non-Iyengar Yoga, teachers qualify with as little as 200 hours of teacher training. Many often never proceed beyond that. Usually, they are also certified just by their own trainer, with no third-party verification.
Their own trainer has obviously been paid to train them. So, their trainer has a lot of self-interest in making sure the students walks away with the teaching certificate. (Often, getting their certification is actually guaranteed, as long as they pay the course fee).
In contrast, Iyengar Yoga teachers must start with 300 hours of teacher training, including many hours of working with a Senior Teacher, while acting as a trainee teacher or observer.
Most importantly, Iyengar Yoga teacher trainees are independently assessed by a rigorous third-party panel. Some fail, or have to do additional training, and further assessments.
Iyengar teachers, such as Chris Lalor at Flametree, can then steadily train towards various further levels of accreditation. At each level, they are again assessed by independent third-party panels.
Free 1st yoga class to discuss or test alternatives or additions to Physio Darwin.

Chris demonstrates Legs Up Wall pose. Highly effective, simple pose for lowering stress, plus improving sleep.
Chris Lalor’s training and oversight at Flametree
In the case of Chris Lalor, she has over 12,000 hours of teacher training, across several higher levels of Iyengar certification. Among other things, she is also qualified to work as an accredited Yoga Therapist.
So, our point is that when you select a yoga studio or teacher to help with any condition you have, it helps to choose Iyengar yoga, and an experienced teacher.
It obviously also helps when your teacher has been trained by a very highly experienced teacher, or works under their management and guidance.
At Flametree, Chris Lalor has trained almost all of its teachers. She also oversights the conditions of any students who are not at least sometimes in her own classes.
If you want her views, but are attending classes with another teacher, it also possible to get Chris’ input to your situation. Chris also regularly discusses student progress with the relevant teacher.
Start anytime, or at Beginner Introductions
Across its various location, Flametree’s beginner level classes, and other classes, run continuously.
You can either start beginner level classes at any time with the FREE first class, or use the HALF price 10 class pass.
Another option is to do one of the regular 2 class Beginner Yoga Introductions. It’s a type of mini beginner course. Then you join the ongoing beginner level classes.
At either beginner or non-beginner level, you can also joint special focus classes already mentioned. They are Backcare Focus, Gentle Yoga, and Easy Restorative Yoga (for anxiety, sleep, weight loss, or more).
The Gentle Yoga classes taught by Chris Lalor have different levels. The class at 10.15am on Fridays, in Woolner, is the most basic level.
If you have a serious condition, Friday’s Gentle Yoga class is the one you would likely attend. But, if you wish, contact Chris Lalor for further advice.
In some cases, it may be best to first do a private class with Chris or Belinda Hoult. They can then advise you further.
Each week, you can do different combinations of classes and teachers, so you can further check out what works best for you. You don’t have to do the same combinations of classes each week.
All poses are simple and introductory. Everyone can do the classes, using yoga props, as demonstrated by your teacher.
If you’ve recently done yoga, then try the non-beginner deal of 14 days of unlimited non-beginner yoga for just $29 (online or in-studio, or both).
Free 1st yoga class to discuss or test alternatives or additions to Physio Darwin.

Rolling over a Flametree barrel is one of the ways we improve spine flexibility. Plus it delivers the many advantages of backbends, such as energy. Obviously, do it after advice from your teacher.
Alternative or supplement to physio Darwin options
In the so-called Top End of the Northern Territory, via online or in-studio, Flametree Special Classes discussed above are excellent for conditions such as:
- low back pain
- neck pain
- shoulder pain
- many sports injuries
- issues around upper limbs
- many medical conditions where your doctors advice is not working well enough, or needs supplementing
- mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and more
- chronic pain
- injury management
- tennis elbow
- faecal incontinence
- post-operative rehabilitation, or for any rehabilitation journey (no matter what else you may be doing)
- where you may be considering pelvic floor physiotherapy
- situations where a physio may otherwise do joint manipulation
- issues where you may otherwise go to sports physiotherapists or remedial massage therapists
- any situations where any clinical expertise you’re using is not working to your satisfaction.
- any better life physiotherapy outcome you may already be seeking
- almost any other condition you’re taking to a sports physiotherapy professional.
As outlined earlier, in any situation where you’re considering physiotherapy services or occupational therapists, get Flametree’s advice first, or test our yoga classes.
Get the advice of Flametree’s Senior Yoga Teacher, and accredited Yoga Therapist, along with any senior physiotherapist you may be considering.
Flametree’s professional team of yoga teachers is very likely to be able to provide an excellent alternative to any custom made physio approach. At a minimum, Flametree’s yoga approach is worth testing out, especially if any active treatment by a physio is not working sufficiently for you.
In other words, at least test out yoga to supplement whatever else you may do. Many of those who use, or have used Flametree, are very pleasantly surprised by what yoga can do for them.
Class packages, timetables, & FREE first classes
Classes can be done as a casual class, or with other attractive yoga pass packages.
On the site below, the beginner timetable shows all online & In-Studio beginner classes. They’re at various Flametree Darwin yoga locations in Casuarina, Woolner & Palmerston.
Flametree gives you a network of many levels of classes servicing Darwin communities, including Humpty Doo (online or via the above 3 locations).
All yoga pass packages can be used at all Flametree locations across Darwin.
Although yoga is not covered by private health funds, using yoga classes is dramatically cheaper than one-to-one physio visits. In addition, the key objective is to get you an outcome that is do-able for you, and works to your great satisfaction, and health outcomes.
Reach out to Flametree at these Contacts, or below, or via phone number 0468 362 641 or 0448 11 22 51.
Those in remote communities also often find Flametree’s online services work well.
In the event of NBN limits, our online can work with 4G (even if you have power outages). It’s a great supplement or alterative to any telehealth service you may consider.
Wherever you are, Flametree’s core values of quality, know-how, and experience will deliver impressive results for you.
If you try out the FREE first class, you’ll then sometimes get an email alert with useful further information (unless you opt out).
Whatever active lifestyle you seek to maintain or re-start, or special interest you have, Flametree Yoga is a private practice that offers you many helpful, highly trained, and experienced Territory hands.
Join the many Flametree Yoga students getting very positive health outcomes from private or group yoga classes, or both.
If you’re looking to go to a local physiotherapist, first check out the best outcomes you’re likely to get from Flametree Yoga. Get yourself the best treatments possible.

Chris demonstrates a simple yoga twist. Helps build movement, flexibility, and more. Also assists with digestion and constipation.
Yoga Beginners Introduction (& possible alternative to a Physio in Darwin).
Free 1st yoga class to discuss or test alternatives or additions to Physio Darwin.
HALF price deal to try yoga instead of type of Physiotherapy Darwin.
Facebook Page for Flametree