Good yoga helps your lymph system clear toxins, deliver nutrients, & relieve stress
Many want something like a “Yoga Classe Near Me”. This post outlines some good options, online or in-studio. More importantly, it says why a top medical specialist recommends yoga. He outlines how yoga helps your lymph & immune system. In addition, there’s several free trial options to check out, whether or looking for “yoga classes.near me”, or just “yoga.classes”, or whatever variation you want.
First, here’s the key reason why Dr Lemole, the specialist doctor, says yoga works. It’s because it involves how your lymph system works for your entire health. It’s especially important in the challenging 2020s. This doctors views are based on many years of yoga and immune system research.
Dr Lemole is a lymph system expert. He says that unlike any other system in your body, the lymph system works without a pump.
It`s like a secret river within our bodies. When it is clear and pristine, it delivers health to every other system in the body.
However, when its polluted, dirty and stagnant, every other system in our bodies is at risk of disease.
In other words, the lymphatic system plays a vital role in maintaining the health of your immune system.
First, it delivers information about toxins to the immune cells so it can destroy or neutralize harmful substances.
Second, is carries away harmful substances.
Third, it aids in the clean-up and rebuilding of cells in that area.
So your lymph system is a “Secret River Of Health”. Yoga helps it work very well, especially via the use of inverted poses.
In the words of Dr Lemole, “ … your lymph system loves yoga more than puppies love sneakers left on the floor”.
If you’re just starting out, use the 2 week free trial deal below, so as to get a yoga classes.near me option at no risk to you.
6 Week Beginner Course, & other yoga classe near me options: From $38
Non beginner “yoga.classes near me” deal: from 30 days for $14.95 (AUD)

Standing poses are “held” to improve your lymph system. In the Post below, I explain how they do that. For beginners, there’s several free trial options to check out, whether you’re looking for “yoga classes.near me”, or just “yoga.classes”, or whatever variation you want.
Lymph, longevity, & yoga for stress
Below, I (Chris Lalor) review Dr Lemole’s new book that looks at the lymphatic system, in the context of your overall health.
The book is called “Lymph & Longevity: The Untapped Secret To Health.”
Dr Gerald Lemole was a pioneering cardiothoracic surgeon for many years. In addition, he is a pioneer in the study of lymph. He’s seen firsthand how lymph influences all aspects of our health.
I was attracted to the book when I read the chapter on how yoga improves lymphatic flow. As a certified Senior Yoga Teacher at Flametree, I can see that Dr Lemole understands how yoga works.
Dr Lemole says that if you have written off yoga in the past, then perhaps it’s time to reconsider.
At the end of the book, he also provides simple yoga poses for stress relief, your immune system, and overall health.
Here’s a very short summary of some sections of the book. What I outline is also very useful for stress, plus your overall health.
Lymph system for the rest of us!
Dr Lemole considers few people understand how vital the proper functioning of the lymphatic system is to health and longevity.
The book is written with the intention of helping the lay person understand how the lymphatic system works.
Dr Lemole believes that the average person, when armed with knowledge of how the lymphatic system works, can use that knowledge to improve their overall health. Yoga students, in particular, can do this via improving the overall functioning of their lymphatic system.
Fortunately, we are in fact all able to improve the lymphatic flow within our bodies.
We can do this via exercise, through yoga, breath work, meditation, learning how to relax, laughing, chanting, and eating well.
If you’re just starting out, use the 2 week free trial, so as to get a yoga classes.near me at no risk to you. The Triangle pose below is one of the famous yoga poses that you will learn, and increasingly improve.

Notice the straight legs. They work well for your lymph low. Whatever “yoga.classes” you want, check out these deals.
6 Week Beginner Course, & other yoga classe near me options: From $38
Non beginner “yoga.classes near me” deal: from 30 days for $14.95 (AUD)
Dr Lemole outlines a “flow friendly diet”.
Dr Lemole also looks at the role of food to heal the body.
He explains what foods to avoid, and what foods to eat, so as to promote good lymphatic flow within the body.
In addition, he discusses the link between the brain and the lymphatic system. He outlines the current thinking in a way that demystifies it for the average reader.
While there is still much to discover, it now appears that the lymphatic system plays a significant role in preserving cognitive function.
The lymph channels help clear the brain of toxins, as well as of damage and plaques that build up in the brain.
Why is exercise essential to maintain health.
Dr Lemole explains that exercise has been scientifically proven to help with a wide range of health issues.
In terms of the lymphatic system, exercise clears toxins, and improves circulation. It also keeps your lymphatic tubes clear, flexible, and optimally open.
As if that were not enough, exercise also improves brain function, and improves your mood and memory.
Active exercise, like moderate cardio exercise, rapid yoga sun salutes, strength training, short bursts of high intensity training, and jumping movements (like is also done in yoga standing poses), all increase the flow rate of lymph. In the process, they add to your “secret river of health”.
I add that you should also include yoga poses that are held for longish periods of time. In particular, if you have done Iyengar yoga, you’ll know that holding most poses correctly will also increase your heart rate. In other words, it is quite sufficiently strenuous to get any of the normal benefits of exercise.
It is especially important that you straighten your legs and arms in these poses. This will allow you to strengthen and stretch muscles, and relax them. All these things, taken together, will improve the smooth flow of your lymph fluid. Most importantly, this approach is unique to Iyengar yoga.

Standing poses, so long as they are held, are excellent “exercise” for your lymph & immune system. If you want “yoga classes.near me” or similar, try these deals. If you’re just starting out, use the 2 week free trial, so as to get a yoga classes.near me at no risk to you.
6 Week Beginner Course, & other yoga classe near me options: From $38
Non beginner “yoga.classes near me” deal: from 30 days for $14.95 (AUD)
Yoga also works on your lymph system in a different way
Less active yoga works by gently getting the lymph fluid to circulate through the whole body. It thereby improves the overall functioning of the lymph.
Yoga results in what Dr Lemole calls the “smooth flow” of lymph.
As I said, some yoga postures are also so-called “held” positions. When holding each pose, a number of things are happening that promote lymphatic flow.
First, you are slowing down your breathing by using deep diaphragmatic breathing.
Second, you are using your muscles in a way that lengthens and stretches them (not shortens and tightens, as in conventional exercise). When you hold each pose you learn to relax into the stretch.
Third, in yoga, you learn to relax in each pose. This softens the muscles onto the bones. (You may be able to observe this in the Triangle pose above, where muscles are lean and stretched, rather than bunched up, as you’ll again see in conventional gym type exercise).
Therefore, in terms of lymph flow, as you relax in each pose and let go of tension in each pose, there is more room for lymph to flow.
The nervous system and hormonal system also respond by delivering chemical changes that further help expand the lymph vessels.
Specific types of yoga postures also help lymph
Many yoga poses systematically target various parts of the body. This is also of special benefit, unlike regular exercise.
For example, postures like twists, squeeze the lymph, thereby moving it around the body.
In addition, inversions move lymph along through gravity. They help via the nervous system, and hormonal system, to impact the rate and flow of lymph.
In this manner, an added bonus of yoga is that lymph can flow better through the whole body.
This is in contrast to just having it flow mainly in the arms, legs, and heart, as in the case of active cardio exercise.

Twists squeeze the lymph, thereby moving it around the body. Just part of what you get from your yoga.classes near me options at Flametree.
6 Week Beginner Course, & other yoga classe near me options: From $38
Non beginner “yoga.classes near me” deal: from 30 days for $14.95 (AUD)
Yoga helps stress
In addition, Dr Lemole notes that yoga already has a proven track record in being able to help people deal with stress.
Many of the postures activate the parasympathetic nervous system. It happens via the stimulation of the vagus nerve. In turn, this allows lymph to flow, and thereby lets your bodily systems calm down.
As well as all that, yoga is a system which helps to quieten the mind. As a result, we become calmer, less explosive, less reactionary and less emotional.
Stress, anger, irritability are all emotions that raise blood pressure. The outcome is that the blood vessels stiffen. This tightens muscles and prevents fluid flow.
Consequently, such heightened emotions further impair the lymph from flowing to where it needs to go.
Spirituality is a plus, whatever it means for you
Apart from the above, Dr Lemole sees a connection between spirituality and lymph flow.
He explains that stress is not just something to which we react. Stress is something that attacks us.
Dr Lemole therefore argues that it’s important for well-being to find meaning in how we live our lives. He believes the nourishing of your spiritual side, and so-called finding the soul, plays a key role in optimum health.
He says “…think of what gives you assurance, and a feeling of safety”.
Our spiritual understanding gives us choices around compassion, empathy, forgiveness, kindness.
He concludes suggesting that nourishing the spiritual side, through meditation, prayer, contemplation, mindfulness, laughter, and / or finding community, will also help total body wellness.
In addition, it will help physical, mental and spiritual aspects of you, and also keep your lymph flowing.
At the end of the book is a “flow-friendly diet”, including recipes. To clarify, he is talking about recipes that improve your lymph flow.
Dr Lemole also has suggestions for supplements, as well as simple yoga poses for stress relief, and promotion of your lymph flow.
6 Week Beginner Course, & other yoga classe near me options: From $38
Non beginner “yoga.classes near me” deal: from 30 days for $14.95 (AUD)
Lymph, immune system, & stress relief yoga for beginners
The type of poses discussed work on a wide variety of fronts. You can get them all via Flametree’s beginner level deals, or non-beginner deals.
Several beginner deals offer two week free trials.
If stress relief yoga for beginners is your goal, or any other sort of yoga benefits, you could also try beginner yoga via a course or pay-by-the-week classes.
As well, if you’re a non-beginner, try Flametree’s “Yoga For Immune System” weekly class, Thursdays at 5.45-7.15pm, or Saturdays at 8.45-10.15am.
Classes are in the local time of Darwin Australia. A time conversion to your local time zone is also at Flametree’s timetable.
Beginners can join the Yoga For Immune System class as soon as they finish 6 weeks of beginner classes. However, even beginner level will deliver great benefits for your lymph and immune systems.
Try a 6 Week Beginner Course for your first yoga classe near me package
Beginner level yoga, including a beginner yoga online course, can be started at any time.
There’s also a two week free trial. You need a credit or debit card, but unless you continue after the trial, you pay zero.
If you’re just starting out, use the 2 week free trial, so as to get a yoga classes.near me at no risk to you.
If you are in the Darwin region, there will be yoga classes in each of Palmerston, Casuarina, CBD, and Woolner.
Details are on the beginner timetable, and non-beginner timetable.
6 Week Beginner Course, & other yoga classe near me options: From $38
Non beginner “yoga.classes near me” deal: from 30 days for $14.95 (AUD)
Want a yoga classe near me? Include Yoga For Immune System.
Private yoga class options. Another yoga classes.near me opportunity
Flametree Facebook Page

Working against a wall is one way that beginners start to learn hand stands, as well as start helping your lymph flow. For the best yoga classe near me, try the super cheap beginner yoga online course, including a full 2 weeks free, for just $38 (AUD). Try the best yoga.classes near me option. In particular, if you’re just starting out, use the 2 week free trial, so as to get a yoga classes.near me at no risk to you.