Post Menstruation Sequence

Yoga Pose Sequence For After Your Period Ceases

When menstruation finishes it is recommended to ease back into a normal practice. Begin Inversions straight away. If you are practising head stand and leg variations, then return to them. You can hang in ropes or slings, come up between chairs, use a wall, or be in the middle of the room.

If you feel a little shaky, then be near a wall. Plus, practise leg variations.

In addition, do shoulderstand with leg variations, and plough pose (or Halasana).

As well, you can ease slowly back into Handstand, and Pincha Mayurasana (or peacock feather pose).

Along with inversions, use supports for standing poses. These can include putting a foot to the wall, or having your back to the wall for suitable poses such as Half Moon pose.

Do not start  practising strong backbends too quickly, or intense twisting poses. Wait a few days.

Then, when feeling stronger, start your normal practise, such as standing poses, twists, forward bends, and backbends.

Post-menstuation 1

 Supine Cobbler Pose Post-menstruation Hold 10 mins

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This pose above help reduce abdominal tension, improves circulation in the chest, releases tension in diaphragm, soothes the nerves and aids recovery from menstruation.

 Forward hero pose. Post-menstruation.

This pose above relaxes back muscles, softens and opens abdominal area. Helps with backpain,  Aids hip flexibility. Soothes nerves & quietens mind . Prepares body for inversions .

Hold 2-3 mins


      Downward facing dog pose Post Menstruation

This pose above is an Inversion and so it allows the vagina to be lifted and at the same time tones abdominal organs as they are lifted up towards the back body. It is both energizing and soothing to body and mind.

You can do the pose with heels down but  can also place heels up the wall, which will help tone intestinal & reproductive organs … lifted up towards back body.  Regulates hormonal balance.

Post-menstruation 5

Wide angle standing pose Post-Menstruation.

This pose shown above helps to lengthen the  spine, open across the collar bones and moves the dorsal spine deep in preparing for Headstand.  It help restore hormonal balance after menstruation -nourishes thyroid glands, adrenal glands. Ensures good circulation to pelvic area, vagina, and ovaries as they are drawn up towards the spine.

Regular practice will help with menstrual issues/ heavy, light periods.

Wide angle standing pose Post-menstruation  Hold 2 mins

Another way to practice this pose is shown above. This version will help relieve tension in back, neck, jaw. Ensures good circulation to pelvic area, vagina, and ovaries as they are drawn up towards the spine. Increases blood flow to breasts. Soothes nerves, relieves fatigue.

Forward Folding standing pose.  Post-menstruation Hold 2 mins

This pose can be done as above. It can also be done with head rested on blocks. (not shown) It is an inversion and help regulate  hormonal balance. Legs are toned while abdomen can be kept in soft state. Keep legs firmed and actively working and this will help the spine to elongate further. Quietens the mind and prepares  head and neck for full  weight bearing inversions.

 Parsvottanasana Pose. Post-menstruation.

This pose when using blocks  with a  concave spine  will help lengthen lower abdominal area.  It helps take the dorsal area in and open across the collar bones preparing the body for Headstand.

Intense forward bending yoga pose

Intense forward bending yoga pose

This version shown above continues to tone legs and stretch whole spine. The head down further massages the abdominal organs. It also quietens the nervous system and prepares the body and mind for Headstand.

Yoga sequence for Post-menstruation 11

 Supine hero pose Post-menstruation.

Aids flexibility in hip joints and pelvis. Releases tension in abdomen and pelvic area. Helps with cramping and urinary and digestive dis orders. Tones abdominal muscles and pelvic area. The lengthening of psoas muscles overtime will help to relax your abdominal muscles relax.

Helps reduce fluid retention in the legs. Relieves soreness in the breasts. Quietens mind and soothes your nerves relieves fatigue. Hold 5 mins

Yoga sequence for Post-menstruation

 Headstand Post-menstruation Practise all the different leg variations. Baddha Konasana in Headstand & Upavista Konasana in Headstand- 

Headstand-legs in cobbler pose.

online yoga

Headstand-leg variations

 The pose shown above should be practised straight after menstruation finishes. Aim to build the timings up to 5 mins and include leg variations if you can. Regular practise will help return your hormonal system to balance, and help keep the menstrual cycle healthy and balanced.

 Yoga sequence for Post- menstruation

 Forward hero pose Post-Menstruation  

This pose shown above will help release the neck after Headstand and quieten the mind.

 Yoga Sequence for post-menstruation 15

 Downward facing dog pose Post Menstruation.

Releases the neck and stretches out the spine after Headstand. Continues to tone & nourish abdominal organs

 Yoga Sequence for post -menstruation 17

 Supported Backbend over a chair head supported Post-menstruation  NB Place feet on another chair if too strong in the lower back or do over two bolsters Hold 5 mins

   The above pose  help to open the chest, shoulders, tones around the breasts. Helps with depression. Stimulates hormonal system, adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, pineal in a quiet manner.

Helps with prolapsed uterus. Use two chairs if back hurts or do over two bolsters.


Cross bolsters

 Yoga Sequence for Post-Menstruation 20

 Chair twist Post-menstruation 

 This twist shown above is a very gentle twist that will help release back pain. It nourishes the spine  and exercises the abdominal organs.

Cobbler pose – Post-menstruation .Hold 1 mins

This pose can be done using a belt around feet. Tone abdominal organs. Strengthens pelvic floor. Keeps hips open and flexible.

Seated cobbler pose, with support.

 Wide angle seated pose Post-menstruation Hold 1 min Tones abdominal organs. Strengthens pelvic floor. Keeps hips open and flexible.

Seated wide angle pose

 Yoga sequence for menstruation 21


Quietens mind. Soothes nerves and brings emotional steadiness. Nourishes and balances thyroid and parathyroid in throat. Help with constipation, regulates blood pressure. Flushes toxins out of the body. Can help with prolapse or displaced uterus. Practise all the different leg variations.

 Yoga sequence for post-menstruation

Plough pose   Post Menstruation  Hold 4-5 mins

This version shown is milder than feet to floor. You can also practise feet to floor. Aids recovery from menstruation. Strengthens back , helps with prolapsed or displaced uterus.

Ear pressure pose- chair Post-menstruation.

Restores health to pelvic organs, relieves fatigue, calms nerves, regulate blood pressure, balances hormonal system.

Helps with urinary tract issues like cystitis.

Yoga Sequence for Post- menstruation

 Plough  Pose, legs wide Post Menstruation.

Aids recovery from menstruation. Strengthens back , helps with prolapsed or displaced uterus.

Hold 2-3 mins

 Plough pose- to the side. 

Aids recovery from menstruation and helps restore hormonal balance.  Strengthens back,  flushes the system. Quietens nervous system. 

Hold 2 mins

Yoga poses for immune system

Plough pose- half

Aids recovery from menstruation and helps restore hormonal balance.  Allows deep relaxation.  Strengthens back and quietens nervous system.  helps with prolapsed or displaced uterus.

Hold 5 mins

Staff pose with belt

Aids recovery from menstruation and helps restore hormonal balance. Strengthen pelvic area. Emotionally uplifting.

 Yoga Sequence for Post-menstruation

 Bent knee forward bend Pose Post menstruation Hold 2 mins

This pose shown here  can be practised without support after menstruation. It help  open the pelvis rejuvenate the organic body and allows recovery from menstruation. Especially good to help with fatigue  and restore emotional balance.

 Yoga Sequence for Post-menstruation 24

Full forward bend

This pose shown here  can be practised without support after menstruation. It helps rejuvenate the organic body and allows recovery from menstruation. Especially good to help with fatigue  and restore emotional balance.

 Yoga Sequence for Post- menstruation 26

Waterfall pose Post-menstruation

This pose will help with hormonal balance.  Help with fatigue after menstruation. Quietens mind. Drains lymphatic fluid for whole body, Improves circulation, helps with inflammation, hormonal balance, sleep, anxiety. Hold 5-8-10 mins. Do all the different leg variations.

Yoga Sequence for Menopause 21

Waterfall pose- legs in cobbler

The above pose, and the pose below, are variations of the mild inversion. It’s also known as Legs Up The Wall, or Viparita Karani.

Yoga Sequence for Menopause 20

Waterfall pose, legs apart.

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 You Sequence for Post-menstruation

 Corpse pose Post- menstruation  Rests body,  relieves fatigue, helps quietens mind and settles emotions. Hold 10 mins

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