Female Yoga Classes To Maximise Wellness | Female Only, With Female Yoga Teacher

Customised yoga for female reproductive system, & much more.

Address all aspects of yoga for female health, with a top female yoga instructor.

FREE 1st class to start yoga for female problems or prevention.

Weekly, Wednesday 5.30-6.45pm Darwin NT time. Online Too.



“The pains which are yet to come can be and are to be avoided”
(Yoga Sage, Patanjali, Yoga Sutras II:16).

Check out Flametree’s female yoga classes. They’re female only, with a female yoga teacher & instructor. It’s customised yoga for female reproductive system. It’s also perfect if you’re searching for all “female only yoga classes near me”. Also, see answers for what to wear to yoga female classes, for what’s yoga for female health, or best yoga for female problems (that you may be searching for).

If you wish, follow the links, or see deals, for the NON-beginner timetable for in-studio class times, or an online class time for your local time zone (via Zoom).

HALF price non-beginner 10 class pack (& 2 FREE).

Introduction: Flametree’s female yoga classes

The diagrams below summarise why a female only yoga class, taught by a female yoga teacher, is the best way to do any yoga for female reproductive system classes you want.

In easy ways, the diagrams, and the post, outline some top issues and solutions that this class will address.

So, in the privacy of female only classes, you can work with your female yoga instructor on the many unique and powerful solutions available through yoga for female health.

Via this post, and the classes, you can learn natural ways to prevent, manage, or reduce issues, via Flametree’s wide-ranging, and proven, yoga solutions.

Before we continue, let’s answer a frequent question about what to wear to yoga female classes.

What to wear to yoga female classes

Female yoga students wear a wide mix of clothes to yoga. They include shorts & T-shirts, or any mix of leggings, tights, singlets, tailored tops, crop tops, & sometimes pullovers for warmth. Just be sure they’re comfortable & stretchy. Any colour is fine.

Prepare for any female only issues that can start as early as 35

reproductive health & problems

Flametree’s female only classes to prevent, reduce or better manage reproductive health & problems like in the diagram. Plus, learn how to maximise women’s wellness in general, as well as areas where females sometimes face challenges.

Yoga poses to help you on the estrogen rollercoaster

The above illustration shows the changes and issues that females face across most of their adult life.

To prevent, minimise, or manage these challenges, a key yogic solution is to become adept at going some doable backbend yoga poses, and doable yoga inversions (or upside down poses).

Such yoga poses are discussed below (including why to use them), with examples in the pictures.

Among other things, these yoga poses work especially well for producing estrogen from your adrenals glands.

During menopause, once your ovaries greatly reduce the production of estrogen, your adrenal glands are an especially significant source of it.

Meanwhile, prior to menopause, your pituitary gland, at the base of your brain, is also driving production of estrogen from your ovaries.

But, on average, as shown above, you can see that it starts declining by around 35.

So, even from your 20s, it’s important to learn the yoga or meditation skills and practices that you can use as you successfully ride the estrogen rollercoaster.

Yoga for female health at brain level

Plus, HALF price non-beginner 10 class pack (& 2 FREE).

Flametree yoga teacher will show you ways to manage your pituitary gland secretions

Your hypothalamus, in your brain, is telling your pituitary gland what key substances to send to your all your glands, including your ovaries & adrenals. In turn, they produce the estrogen, progesterone, testosterone that then impact your brain & your female health. Yoga & meditation can impact at this level too.

Your brain, and pituitary gland, calls the shots

The brain and glands work together to run a circular feedback loop, as in the diagram below.

As you can see in 2 different diagrams below, the system manages the production of estrogen from both your ovaries and adrenals.

Your yogic practices, and lifestyle, can seriously impact the process in your glands, and change the outcomes you get.

Glands impacted by Flametree’s female only yoga classes

female yoga for reproductive system prevention & feedback

Your brain triggers your ovaries to produce estrogen, via your pituitary “master” gland.

Stress reduction is also hugely helpful

Managing your adrenals, are important for at least 2 particular reasons.

First, your adrenals also produce cortisol. Too much cortisol hormone being secreted can drive up your stress level.

In turn, increased stress lowers your estrogen levels, or it’s effectiveness.

So, then you would experience more of the symptoms you probably want to reduce (such as those in the first diagram on this page).

But, pranayama meditation, which can be done in separate classes, or as part of Flametree’s Women’s Wellness class, is also hugely helpful in reducing stress.

In other words, as your female yoga teacher running the Women’s Wellness class, I work with you on two fronts. I mean maximising estrogen production, and minimising any countervailing stress (or other wellness issues).

Of course, over time, we’ll also cover a wide range of other female health issues, and best practices.

HALF price non-beginner 10 class pack (& 2 FREE).


Your adrenals also drive cortisol production. Cortisol is the key stress hormone. So, in classes, we’ll also work on yoga poses and pranayamas, to manage and reduce stress.

Estrogen via the adrenals

In the top left of the diagram below, you can see how your adrenal gland also produces and sends estrogen to your ovaries, and elsewhere in your body.

Imagine yourself as a plane with two estrogen engines… your ovaries, and your adrenals.

Any plane is designed to fly with one engine that has reduced power. You can do the same thing.

But, the right yoga will maximise your production of estrogen from your adrenals, once ovarian estrogen starts declining.

Plus, pranayama will minimise the stress that the cortisol is driving.

For example, a German Senior Iyengar (female) Yoga Instructor, Rita Keller, points out the key poses, and pranayama, that support you “when the production of estrogen decreases” (page 439 of Iyengar Yoga For Menopause).

Another Senior Iyengar (female) Yoga Teacher from the USA, Patricia Walden, who studied with Mr BKS Iyengar for decades, also points out how yoga asanas for maximum adrenal performance are designed to maximise the “squeezing, soaking, and massaging” actions of such postures (page 123 of The Woman’s Book of Yoga & Health).

You may have already heard me, or your Iyengar Yoga teacher, already using this type of language in many Flametree Yoga classes.

In the privacy of the female only class, with me as your female yoga teacher, I’ll go into such matters in much great detail.

In addition, you’ll learn and practise additional yoga poses that allow you to maximise estrogen production from your adrenals.

Adrenal gland production of estrogen diagram

Adrenal gland production of estrogen. See the estrogens in the top left of this diagram.

Sex gland yoga works

To summarise, in the female yoga for reproductive system and challenges class, I’ll also be teaching principles and poses to regulate cortisol and stress production. There will also be unique yogic solutions to maximise estrogen from both ovaries and adrenals.

By the way, in case you’re wondering, there are now a range of clinical trials that prove that yoga increases estrogen production from both your ovaries and adrenals.

Below, I’ve included a brief summary of some of those studies, and links to more information.

Backbend with Iyengar ropes

An advanced backbend with Iyengar ropes in the Flametree studio. Done by female yoga teacher, Kim Faehse. 

Studies find yoga alleviates menopausal symptoms

In 2024, a so-called meta study of 10 randomized controlled trials was published. It included trials with a total of 1463 menopausal women participants, with the sample size ranging from 30 to 335.

The summary of the various studies, concludes:

“Research evidence, based on these 10 trials, prove yoga to be a safe and effective intervention for managing menopausal symptoms.

The authors conclude that yoga is a safe alternative therapy, free from untoward effects, and a recommended choice, for reducing menopausal symptoms, and promoting quality of life.

This recommendation is based on the evidence that consistent practice of yoga techniques will have a positive impact on most of the prevalent menopausal symptoms….

Yoga is an evidence-based intervention that alleviates the menopausal symptoms, and promotes quality of life of menopausal women.

Therefore, the healthcare providers [should] encourage the menopausal women to perform yoga on a regular basis.”

Cobbler pose

The classic Cobbler pose, lying over 2 bolsters, with belt and blocks for support. It’s especially effective for bringing more blood & nutrients into the pelvic region (for both women & men).

Study shows better perimenopause outcomes

Another study of over 200 perimenopausal women, concluded:

“The estrogen’s mean values of the intervention group (who did yoga), were found significantly higher than the control group, after the intervention in week 12.

The level of estrogen in the intervention group is still retained after a further four weeks of the intervention (to week 16), with a significantly higher mean value of the estrogen level compared to the control group.”

In other words, estrogen increased due to practising yoga. The conclusions say:

“This study clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of yoga therapy in managing the distressing perimenopausal symptoms.

It is easy, safe, non-expensive alternative therapy helping the well-being of perimenopausal women, and must be encouraged in the regular management of perimenopausal symptoms.”

Baby backbend

An accessible yoga backbend that can be done at a range of levels of intensity & experience.

Studies also show better post-menopausal outcomes

A study of the use of yoga with post-menopausal women also found.

“…In conclusion, 12 weeks of yoga training decrease menopausal symptoms, stress levels, and depression.

Yoga practice also increases quality of life, and prevents cortisol increase in post-menopausal women.

In general, the effects of yoga practice were significantly more prominent than those of exercise [which was done by the other group in the study].

Thus, our findings support the hypothesis that yoga can promote positive psychophysiological changes in post-menopausal women, and contribute to improve overall quality of life of women”.

backbend over chair for adrenal health

A backbend over a chair, done in way that is very effective for adrenal health, because your adrenals are at the rear of your middle back region.

Study on heart issues for perimenopausal women

Another study looked at heart issues for perimenopausal women, and how yoga helped.

In particular, it pointed to the increased parasympathetic activity which is an outcome of both yoga and pranayama.

“…Higher death rate has been reported in postmenopausal or perimenopausal women with cardiovascular events, than in men.

Reduced estrogen production from ovaries has been suggested as one of its factors.

….In conclusion, parasympathetic activity, estrogen and progesterone levels increased in perimenopausal women after a month of yoga practice.

Increased parasympathetic activity, and female sex hormone levels, indicate that yoga can be a cardioprotective alternative therapeutic measure in peri-menopausal women.”

There are many other studies that also support yoga for female reproductive system practices.

For the purposes of this post, the sample of studies covered what, is sufficient.

Sunset backbend

A stronger backbend that’s also especially calming. Generating greater calm is one outcome of the hormonal balance that the right mix of yoga poses will create. Among other things, it’s due to yoga activating your so-called parasympathetic (rest, digest, & relax) part of your nervous system. Parasympathetic system yoga poses are included in female only yoga, as well as in Flametree’s special focus Restorative Yoga classes.

Some key poses taught in female yoga classes

Bridge pose, using a chair, as you see above, is both an inversion and a backbend.

There are various versions of Bridge pose, including the cover shot picture with this post.

Bridge pose is a yoga asana that most can do, because of the range of levels available in the posture.

So, no matter what stage you’re at, you can get plenty from Bridge pose variations.

Other inversions, or backbends, and some notes about them, have been included in the sections below.

Obviously, the yoga for female reproductive system classes will also cover many more.

chair yoga backbends are also important if you want female only yoga classes near me

Using a chair is also useful for a standing backbend that’s both effective, and accessible. Our female yoga classes also include a lot of other standing poses. Standing yoga poses are obviously weight bearing too. So, they’re especially effective at reducing the declining bone mass that’s also due to estrogen reduction. See also our post on yoga for bone health and osteoporosis.

It worked brilliantly for me

I (Christine) experienced few, or none, of the challenges normally associated with the changes in estrogen levels from 35 onwards.

Was it luck? I don’t believe so.

I simply put into action all the principles and practises I’ll be teaching in Flametree’s female yoga classes.

The outcomes I got were due to having a regular yoga and pranayama practice, including doing the right poses, in the right order, at the right time.

In my Women’s Wellness class, you can also learn more about the impact of the post 35 changes, and what I did.

Plus, in some other Flametree posts, I’ve also written much more about my journey through premenopause, perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause.

Specific female yoga and pranayama helped me, and continue to help me, with every stage of my journey, including with maximising bone the bone health issues illustrated by the diagram below.

Female yoga also addresses the bone mass declines (due to estrogen reductions).

bone health matters in female only yoga classes are near you online or in darwin

Estrogen decline steadily, but ultimately severely, reduces your bone mass. So, bone health matters, and poses to deal with the issue, are also included female only yoga classes online or in Darwin NT. Falls and breaks, which are often due to bone health, are one significant health issue that standing yoga poses can address well.

Applying the female yoga learnings from Getta Iyengar

In my opinion, another major reason why I was able to successfully ride the hormone rollercoaster, was that I followed the recommendations of Getta Iyengar.

For decades, Getta studied and practised with her father in India, Mr BKS Iyengar (who founded what became known as Iyengar Yoga).

Plus, Getta then went further with her studies, recommendations, and writing.

Her recommended practices, as well as those in the document I’ve linked to, include the practises I’ve already sketched out above.

The Women’s Wellness class will also include much more of the material and skills in Geeta’s recommendations.

I personally found that they’re highly useful in all stages of a woman’s life.

In my yoga classes, and private coaching and training, I’ve also seen hundreds of other women also get very positive outcomes and solutions from female yoga classes.

Such classes have been both special focus classes like Women’s Wellness, but also all of Flametree’s various other yoga and pranayama classes.

So, please come along at 5.30-6.45pm Wednesdays, in-studio, or online.

Last, it’s best to start learning and applying the skills and practices during your 20’s and early 30’s.

If you do, just like I did, you’re likely to get the best ride on the estrogen rollercoaster.

Shoulderstand is important in yoga for female reproductive system classes

a female yoga teacher demonstrating a shoulderstand pose for yoga for female reproductive system classes

Shoulder stand… the so-called “queen” of yoga poses, is a great inversion, that’s especially soothing. There are various steps that almost anyone can use to learn the pose. In Flametree classes, including female only yoga, I can steadily guide you through such steps.

FREE 1st yoga class for newcomers, & HALF price deals

A great way to systematically work on women’s wellness in Darwin, or beyond, is to regularly attend Flametree’s weekly Women’s Wellness Darwin class, online or at Woolner NT.

All newcomers to Flametree’s Women Wellness Class get a FREE first class, including at this NON-Beginner level.

If you want to continue, you can also buy up to 2 HALF price 10 class non-beginner yoga class packs (with an extra 2 FREE classes if you purchase via e-commerce).

Remember, you’ll need classes at the NON-beginner level.

Anyone with around 6 months of yoga can attend, even if you’re still otherwise doing beginner level classes.

The next Women’s Wellness Yoga class is 5.30-6.45pm Wednesday, at 19 Bishop Street, Woolner, Darwin (or online).

If you’re attending in the studio, you can just turn up.

Otherwise, reserve your ONLINE spot and get a Zoom class link by email.

Passes to join female yoga classes, or checkout the syllabus further

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