How To Access Yoga Or Meditation Videos.

Or, follow link below to video pass packages.

Plus, see FREE video classes.

Or, see tips on yoga props, or best screen set-up for using videos.

Thanks for getting a pass that includes Flametree’s videos.

At our end, we will soon allocate the appropriate pass that enables you see access the videos.

This may take anywhere from a few hours to up to 24 hours.

(Please forgive us saying so, but we need to do this manually because of regular attempts that some make at scams).

If you still need to buy a pass for videos, please see the most popular video pass packages.

Plus, you also use 4 full length video classes for FREE. Just click them and play them at our FREE video page.

Seeing the videos via your Account page

Once the pass is allocated, you will be able to see them in your Account link at the bottom (in the footer), of any Flametree website page.

(Please ensure you’re on the Flametree website, and not the Punchpass class reservation site).

For instance, you’ll see the Account page at the bottom of this page about how to contact us.

In addition, the footer of our pages is shown in the picture below.

On the left of the picture below, under “Useful Links”, you’ll see the link to “Your Account Page.”

Click on this link to Your Account Page. It will take you straight there.

The footer of all pages of Flametree website:

Website footer screengrab

Hamburger drop-down menu on Account Page

Once the pass has been allocated, on your account page, you’ll see your videos under the tiny “hamburger” dropdown menu in the very top right of your Account page.

The picture below shows this hamburger on your Account page.

Use the tiny “hamburger” drop-down menu on right of picture:

Website hamburger menu

Via the “hamburger” menu, the drop-down will look like this:

Hamburger menu expanded

Video pass types will show in the above drop-down

The type of video pass you have will show in the drop-down menu.

For example, in the picture above, the person has a package that shows as “Yoga Class Playback Videos (On Demand).”

Other pass types will be labelled in an appropriate way.

For instance, if you bought a beginner video pass, you would see and click on a link such as “Yoga Videos for Beginners”.

Use the videos any time

Once you have your video pass, you can access them anytime, in accordance with whatever particular type of pass you’ve bought (such as beginner or non-beginner videos).

If you need more than what we’ve said above, then please see these quick steps to get your videos.

Short video on accessing videos

If you need it, there is also a very short video about accessing your videos, including your Account page.

You can see the video via this link on our site.

Get even more from your video classes

By the way, to watch videos (or online classes), some people connect their phone, tablets, or laptop, to either their TV or a larger screen.

In addition, if you have the space, ideally set up a separate part of the house or apartment with some yoga props. (But many also just do it in their bedroom).

It’s worth having a spot where children and / or partners leave you in peace!

A shop like Jaycar, and sometimes Officeworks, can also sell you any extra leads that you may need to connect your phone to a larger screen to your TV.

Especially if you want to get all the benefits of restorative yoga, its worth having some yoga props.

For any yoga, it’s also good to have a non-slippery (and preferably thickish) mat.

Our props page describes more about all such matters, including how to wash new mats so they’re not slippery.

It also mentions a props supplier  (not affiliated with Flametree Yoga) who can quickly get props to you by mail order.

By the way, if you are also doing online yoga, then see our online set-up page.

Contact us if you need

If you can’t access them, please let us know by email, or text.

If you’re in a hurry, it could be worth texting both numbers, because one of us may be teaching.

Thanks again for your purchase.