Gentle yoga classes online and in the Flametree studio can help you explore your yoga and experience new sensations in your body. Gentle Yoga, and many other classes at Flametree, also include a significant amount of Chair Yoga. It’s all done in a gentle and quite playful way. It’s for all age groups, but Gentle or Chair yoga for seniors is especially useful. Flametree also has many options for Gentle and / or chair yoga classes online. Try chair yoga classes or chair yoga course, online & in-studio.
Gentle Yoga, or Chair Yoga, or both, can also unlock blockages in your body and mind, and show you a whole new way of viewing the pose and yourself.
If you have never used a chair to practise your yoga, then you are in for an exciting and useful way to improve your fitness, calmness, and strength.
Why chair yoga, including chair yoga for seniors works so well
Here’s a few quick points on how and why chair yoga works so well.
- The chair lets the nervous system and hormonal system work together so you can nourish each and every cell in your body.
- A chair works because you can stay for longer periods of time than you would without a chair. For example, this lets you access glands, and the releases from glands, even more effectively.
- Non-beginners, you can get into positions that further develop flexibility or strength, or both.
- Beginners, chair poses help you get started, by making some postures more accessible.
- Chairs help because you have more gravity in your favour, plus a fulcrum to work around.
- A yoga chair also allows you to with resistance, such as pulling on the bar under the chair.
The beginner course at Flametree, and also at other levels, will also give you a chair yoga course. For a start, just come regularly classes like Gentle Yoga, or Yoga for Back, Neck & Shoulders. These classes have a very large focus on using the chair for yoga. When you feel that you can, expand to various other classes at beginner level or above.
Easy chair yoga option with head below heart. Our chair course options start with even easier poses, especially standing poses.
There is no end to what you can discover. First make sure the chair you use is solid. Then place it on a rubber mat so it does not slide.
Try these poses with a chair
I suggest start using the chair for standing poses. It gives you a great sense of direction and helps achieve correct alignment.
You will be sure to discover many parts of your body you haven’t opened before. Among other things, the chair lets you stay longer in standing poses.
If you are a Beginner this helps to increase your strength without becoming so fatigued.
Poses like this downward facing dog pose are wonderful to do with a chair. All of these poses are just some of what is also suitable chair yoga for seniors.
Chair yoga for seniors down dog pose
Chair yoga options are good for stiffness, backs, & more
When you are stiff or weak in the arms, the chair lets you slowly build up your strength as well as stretch out your hamstrings!
Sitting on a chair while practising standing poses opens and tones your inner thighs in a most profound way.
For those with back issues it is a very safe way to strengthen your back. It also gives you courage to try a little more challenging pose.
Half angle yoga pose with chair
I find the chair particularly helpful in seated poses and twists. You can use the chair as a lever to open your body and find a greater range of movement and flexibility in the spine.
Most of us find forward bends difficult and it is here that the chair really shines. With your arms on the chair, you use momentum to go forward, stay longer, and even relax in the pose.
The chair can also help you find a quiet restful state of mind. It is used in restorative yoga to help you stay longer and truly quieten your nervous system.
In restorative yoga, so many different poses can be done. They include backbends, inversions, and forward bends.
Chair yoga classes online & in-studio include a range of postures, such as this easy twist
If you can buy a chair without a back in it, you can become even more inventive in how you use it to do your yoga. There is really no limit to what you can discover.
Get started with chair yoga classes online or in-studio
There’s more at this link about how to improvise yoga props around home, or where to buy them off the shelf.
At Flametree, chairs are used in many different classes and levels. There are also some classes each week that are more dedicated to yoga with a chair.
In particulear, there are so-called Special Focus classes by the name of Gentle Yoga, and also Back, Neck and Shoulder Yoga. These classes are ALL LEVEL (Beginner & Non-Beginner Class).
The Flametree Timetable has details of Gentle Yoga, and all other classes.
Use your regular passes for Gentle Yoga, or buy a beginner or non-beginner pass at the links below.
All of Flametree’s classes are also online. This gives you plenty of opportunity to do chair yoga classes online.
There’s also more about Flametree’s various classes for over 50’s, here.
Try chair yoga classes or chair yoga course, online & in-studio.
FLAMETREE’S BEGINNER level classes can be joined at any time. Get options including gentle yoga classes online or in-studio, or both.
Check out Beginner FREE 2-week trials & money back guarantee.
what are good benefits of the Restorative chair pose and are there other poses or things like the Restorative chair pose that will or can help with sleep and if so I would love some more information because I am doing my research on How does anxiety and depression affect sleep patterns in adolescents and what are the strategies that are most effective in managing your sleep patten? , I would love a lot of information about this topic to further my research project.
Hi Dee. The benefits of restorative yoga are in at least a couple of our blog posts… if you look back thru them… and they would apply to that particular pose. I also also suggest having a look at the our blogs on sleep. Plus having a look thru some of the many posts we have done on both topics on our Facebook page… where is there are many long and useful posts on how and why yoga works.