At times, we all have experiences of feeling irritable, angry, exhausted, or anxious.
Sometimes, we also find we gain weight easily, or have low libido, insomnia, or mood swings.
When any combination of these conditions happen, the chances are that you are suffering from hormonal imbalance and adrenal fatigue.

Get calmer. Use yoga to cut stress & adrenal fatigue
Adrenal glands are your “stress hormones”
The adrenal glands are part of our hormonal system. They are located just above the kidneys. These glands help regulate our metabolism, our immune system, blood pressure, and our response to stress. They do it by secreting hormones into the blood stream.
The adrenals produce adrenaline and cortisol. These are the so called “stress hormones”.
We’re built for survival. These stress hormones ensure our survival in the short term when under threat. The problem is that at some point, unless we rest and relax, the adrenal glands will continue to fire on all fours.
Not only will the adrenal glands become depleted overtime, but in the process, if the body doesn’t manage to get sufficient nutrients to support all the other glands, then the adrenal glands will take energy away from other glands.
The energy is taken from places like thyroid and ovaries, and testes. In the process, the hormonal system gets out of balance.

Without action, all thoughts and emotions stay locked in your body.
Beginner yoga online or in-studio does wonders for hormones
Yoga is a gift for the hormonal system. Practising beginner yoga online, or doing at any more advanced level, can return your adrenal glands to balance.
Via yoga, we first learn to relate to feelings in our body. Yoga teaches us to enquire into the consequences of our thoughts and actions. The body holds the score, in the sense that all thoughts and emotions stay locked in the body.
We also start to see our habits and how they impact on our wellbeing. Yoga teaches us how to become more “intelligent” in the way we live.
Poses for your adrenal system
Yoga also allows us to experience how certain poses change how we feel. Poses like twists and forward bends give us more energy when feeling depleted.
Examples of those poses are in the pictures with this post, and most of them are easy beginner poses.
Even if you are not a beginner, either these poses, or some more advanced variation, will give you the benefits I’m discussing.
We can also come to experience how both twists and forward bends, when practised with the help of props, like the chairs and blocks shown, can help monitor expenditure of effort, so as to get the maximum benefit.
With yoga, as with many other things, the key is regularity. I suggest you use beginner yoga online, or in-studio, or with Flametree’s on-demand yoga videos, to do at least some yoga each day.
Try even using household items for your twists, or furniture at the office.

A pose to soothe your nervous system, lower heart rate, anxiety levels & blood pressure
Twisting poses oxygenate you
Consider the example of twisting poses. Twists are brilliant to restore energy to depleted adrenal glands. They wring out toxins from the body and oxygenate the adrenal glands.
When feeling low in energy, twists will help reinvigorate your body and mind.
As I mentioned, the poses shown in these photos are done with the help of props, like chairs and blocks. So the twist poses require less effort and you will find you can hold the poses for longer… thereby getting more from them.
In short, your glands can do even more work via your hormone adjustment.
Forward bends are also fantastic poses to practise to help with adrenal fatigue. These forward bends poses will help soothe your nervous system, lower heart rate, anxiety levels and blood pressure.
Again, there are options depending on your flexibility, and individual yoga journey.
How to start or re-start yoga
Flametree teaches beginner level yoga, as the first of five levels of yoga training.
The beginner level deal is outlined below.
If you are a non-beginner, or a Flametree student lapsed six months, then you get 14 days of unlimited non-beginner classes for a total of just $29 for the whole two weeks. That means each class can be as little as $2 each.
At this link, you can learn more about the non-beginner deal.
LIVE, beginner yoga online, or in-studio, with 2 weeks free
You can join the beginner level either by doing a four-week beginner course, or simply starting any time in the beginner level.
No matter which way you start, you get up to 2 weeks FREE trial.
It can be a beginner yoga online format, or in our two Darwin studios, or via yoga videos, or any mix of these options.
Class times & types are in the timetable at the link below, including any mix and number of these optional class types:
- standard hatha yoga classes
- backcare
- women only
- breath meditation
- restorative yoga
- gentle yoga.
The beginner course is $75 for 6 weeks of unlimited, daily beginner classes. It includes a two week FREE trial.
An alternative is to buy a weekly beginner pass at the very low cost online or in-studio rates. You do the same beginner course classes, but just pay by the week.
Depending on how many classes you do each week, classes are just $3 to $5 each. It’s the best deal you’ll find, More importantly, it’s very high quality, yet easy, beginner yoga.
You don’t need to be flexible to start beginner yoga online, or in any other format. You’ll get an excellent sequence of beginner yoga poses, with demonstrations and verbal guidance.
The teacher can hear you, and see you, and give you live, on-the-spot guidance.
At this link, you can learn more about the benefits of yoga.
If you prefer to get started now, see more about FREE trial deals, or buy a beginner yoga pass.
Check out a FREE video of a Beginner Class, or get started
At the link below, you can see Chris Lalor, Senior teacher at Flametree, teaching a Slow Gentle Focus one hour beginner class. Back Care classes are another type of so-called Special Focus Beginner class.
The free video class will get a sense of how yoga classes are taught, using demonstrations and verbal instructions.
If you want, you can even do the free yoga video class and see what you think. See the FREE video yoga class here.
Or use one of the generous introductory deals below to give yoga a try… for whatever you need from it.
Here again are the two top deals to get started or re-started.
Get a pass, and then reserve a class.