Fund Raising For Schools, Clubs, Causes, Churches, & More

Best & easiest fundraising Darwin has.

Inspire and facilitate tiny ongoing Darwin fundraising events, at individual level.

Organisations ongoingly earn 15-50% of the revenue their followers spend on any Flametree packages.

Fund raising for schools, causes, clubs, churches, and others, has never been easier than what I am about to share with you. It also the best fundraising Darwin has, but it works anywhere, including totally online (if that suits you best). In a way, you’re inspiring tiny ongoing Darwin fundraising events. You could also see it as a type of fitness challenges to raise money. Fundraising jobs Darwin options are also created, full-time or part-time.

I have a whole new way for any organisation you love or support, to make serious additional money.

It works well for schools, child care centres, sports, churches, clubs, popular local causes, and any non-profit (big or small).

In some example scenarios I’ve done, what I’m suggesting raises between $2,000 and 10,000, each year. (See more details in the table at the end of this post).

It also works well for any individuals wanting extra income, especially students, retired people, and many others. (Some make large, full time incomes from what I’m suggesting).

In other words, fundraising jobs Darwin options are also created, full-time or part-time. (But they’re super flexible, and can be located anywhere).

Plus, any organisation can also earn a return from encouraging their staff to use Flametree classes and retreats.

This fund raising process works in a region, state, country, or globally. For example, Flametree’s classes and videos can be used online, and people attend its retreats from all over the world.

You, or a cause you support, is simply getting a share of the revenue from Flametree’s sales.

In addition, the revenue raised can also be shared between a non-profit, and individuals, or workers, who are helping raise the funds.

Top fund raising for schools, or whatever people support and follow

fitness challenges to raise money such as by attending this yoga retreat

An organisation essentially facilitates tiny, individual fitness challenges to raise money, such as by followers attending this yoga retreat in Bali, or just doing regular yoga or meditation classes.

Over time, earn 10,000 to $30,000?

Over 5 years, our calculations show that an organisation could earn $10,000 to $30,000. Much more is also quite possible.

It’s simple to do.

An organisation just refers their followers to Flametree, using a unique link available here.

The link is a reputable, global service that can be tracked independently. You and Flametree can see the clicks and revenue due to you telling people about Flametree class, video, or retreat options.

Obviously, we’re talking about new revenue from people who are newcomers to Flametree.

You can refer people just by having notices around wherever you get together, and mentioning it to people.

The promotion can be very passive. You don’t have to bang on about it, or make a nuisance of yourself!

In addition, if you have a list of supporters or members, then include your unique tracking link in a text, social media post, or email. (It’s all part of what’s also called the Influencer or Creator revolution.)

Learn more, or get a unique link to start your fundraising

Great ways to do fund raising for schools

darwin fundraising events and jobs as you do yoga classes online anywhere

Try an easy fundraising option for any school or cause. It’s great for fund raising for schools, but also much more.

Get 15-50% of yoga sales to followers, or supporters

If a supporter of the organisation then uses the unique link given to their organisation, to buy any package from Flametree (like classes or retreats), then the organisation gets 15-50% of the revenue generated. 

Yes, its a generous commission. I (Chris Lalor) deliberately made it that way, so it’s well worth your while.

Essentially, each one of your own followers or supporters, are doing their own tiny fitness challenges to raise money for a cause that’s important to them.

So, it’s an enjoyable and healthy fundraising Darwin option (useable anywhere, by anybody).

Would you please mention this revenue raising option to any organisation or individual that you know wants to raise additional money… for schools or whatever?

If you want, also create the most flexible fundraising jobs Darwin has.

fund raising for schools via influencer marketing

Earn a share of beginner yoga revenue, or whatever other sales Flametree has. Inspire individual Darwin fundraising events (or wherever). Be an influencer and support good causes in the process.

Raise money while you sleep

Once you get it underway, the income is so-called passive income.

You earn your commission for as long as the newcomer keeps using Flametree classes or retreats. Often, that means for many years.

So, you earn a return with relatively little further work. You’re earning while you sleep!

But you’re also often supporting a needy organisation (big or small), those it serves, and encouraging people to get all the many benefits of yoga.

In the process, Flametree is also supporting such good causes, as is everyone buying their yoga passes via such a process.

Personally, I’m proud to be able to help in do-able ways.

You can see the few simple, quick, online steps to set it up, as well as get more information about Flametree, at the same link where you can get your unique link.

Fund raising for schools for fun & fitness

Do new types of fitness challenges to raise money

Do new types of fitness challenges to raise money. Help sell Flametree’s retreat, and earn a commission on all everything sold… for the school, or cause, or yourself, or both. See more about sharing the amounts raised.

Calculations showing examples of funds that can be raised

Below, in the table, you’ll also see the calculations that prove what I’m saying about the amount that can be raised by essentially inspiring tiny fitness challenges to raise money, individual by individual.

Scenarios of fund raising for schools & others via encouraging yoga participation

(To see more detail, just click on the image).

fund raising for schools calculation table

Table showing fund raising for schools, or whatever other cause, club, or whatever. Much more is also quite possible. Just make it possible for your own followers to do their own personal Darwin fundraising events, day by day, class by class, while they look after their own health and fitness. The bottom 2 (blue) lines show just small examples of what can be earned from getting commissions on the yogic activities of just 19 people and upwards.

But remember, the same applies to individuals. In other words, individuals can also be so-called referral marketers, or affiliate marketers.

It is a type of promotion that is growing rapidly (instead of using Google and Facebook ads etc). You can also see more about it in another post on this type of partner promotion.

In the process, you’re also making your own version of the best fundraising jobs Darwin has, to whatever extent you want to create your own flexible job.

For more details, any organisation can also contact us.

In addition, please let Flametree know if you’d like a special set of calculations showing scenarios tailored to your organisation, or a presentation or discussion about how it works.

Fund raising for schools contacts

So, if you’d like more details or contacts for the charities already partnering with Flametree, and that you can therefore support, please get in touch.

In addition, maybe you’re already involved with a charity, school, club, church or other organisation that you think could benefit from working with Flametree as a so-called affiliate partner.

If so, Flametree would be very grateful if you’d please also let us know, or ask the appropriate person to reach out to Flametree. Alternatively, please share this post with them.

Remember, you’re also helping to look after the wellness the those in a Darwin (or beyond) charity network, school, club, or similar.

Learn more, or get a unique link to start your fundraising

Flametree Yoga Facebook Page

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