Gluten Free, High Protein, Vegetarian Pizza Recipe | Vegan, & Middle East Spice

It’s also a vegan tofu pizza recipe topping for many pizza styles.

 An option for a Middle Eastern pizza recipe, or a Lebanese vegetarian pizza recipe.

See also my preferred gluten free pizza base for this healthy, vegetarian pizza recipe.

Try this delicious, high protein vegetarian pizza recipe. It’s also a vegan tofu pizza recipe. Plus, it’s a vegan pizza recipe gluten free. With the mix of spices used, you could also use it as a Middle Eastern pizza recipe, or a Lebanese vegetarian pizza recipe too. So, try a scrumptious, healthy, vegetarian pizza recipe.

Among other things, this gluten free, vegan tofu pizza recipe is a delicious way to consume tofu while you hardly even realise it has tofu!

Use firm tofu, as it has at least 7% protein level.

Tofu gives you all 9 essential amino acids. As a result, it’s a complete protein.

These 9 amino acids are considered essential. It’s because we can’t make them in our bodies. Hence, we have to eat them to get them.

Plus, unlike meat, tofu is low in saturated fat and free from cholesterol.

For instance in the diagram below, you can see some of the benefits of protein rich food like tofu.

Protein benefits of this high protein vegetarian pizza recipe with tofu

Protein benefits that come with middle east vegetarian recipes

This vegan pizza recipe, gluten free, is a delicious way to ensure you get more of the many benefits of protein. such as those in the diagram above. Partly because of the spices that come from the Middle Eastern pizza recipe influence, you won’t even feel like its vegan or vegetarian!

Ingredients: high protein vegetarian pizza recipe

Because of the spices I’ve used, this recipe is also a great Lebanese vegetarian pizza recipe option too.

Here are the main ingredients for this healthy vegetarian pizza recipe:

  • 200 grams of firm tofu
  • half of medium size red onion
  • 3-4 cloves of at least medium size garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato puree… from fresh or tinned
  • handful of fresh cherry tomatoes
  • handful of black olive… pitted
  • one medium sweet potato
  • A cup of thin, long slices of pumpkin
  • chargrilled red capsicum… large
  • handful of spinach leaves
  • fresh parsley… half cup
  • half cup of fresh coriander
  • a quarter cup of fresh mint leaves
  • a tsp of cumin
  • tsp of coriander
  • half tsp of chili powder
  • half tsp of paprika
  • 5 tsp of za’artar spice (Middle Eastern spice)
  • salt to taste
  • half tsp of pepper.

By the way, Za’atar is a popular Middle East spice, pronounced (zaah-tur) in English. Other spellings are Za’atar, Za’tar, and zatar. It’s a spice blend which adds great flavour to many dishes.

High protein vegetarian pizza recipe, gluten free & vegan too.

gluten-free vegan & vegetarian pizza recipe with tofu outcome after baking

My mouth watering, gluten-free vegan & vegetarian pizza recipe with tofu, right after baking. With the spices that essentially also turn it into a Middle Eastern pizza recipe, your kitchen will also smell wonderful.

Make a great Lebanese vegetarian pizza recipe topping alternative

Make your healthy, vegetarian pizza recipe with these steps.

  1. pre-heat oven to 200 Celsius
  2. mix in a bowl crumbled tofu (crumble with your hands)
  3. finely chop red onion and add
  4. smash and chop 3 garlic cloves
  5. add other herbs and dried spices
  6. tomato puree add too
  7. add one tbsp. of tomato puree. (A tablespoon is 2 dessert spoons).
  8. add salt and pepper
  9. mix all of above.
  10. check mix is not too runny, but that you can mix it ok
  11. add tbsp. of olive oil
  12. transfer to a pan and lightly brown… say 5 mins on medium heat
  13. remove to cool
  14. meanwhile, slice sweet potato and pumpkin and grill the slices until cooked. (Soft, but still holding together)
  15. get out gluten free pizza base (see example below)
  16. put base on baking tray, ideally with baking paper underneath
  17. take a spoon of tomato puree and swirl it over the whole pizza base
  18. take the whole vegetable mix in your fry pan, and lay it over base. Flatten it down.
  19. with sweet potato, add to top of vegetables on pizza, and lighten flatten it.
  20. lay out the slices of pumpkin on the pizza and lightly flatten
  21. place capsicum on top of the other vegetables.
  22. cut cherry tomatoes in half, and add to top
  23. slice olives in half, and add them too
  24. sprinkle of olive oil… very little
  25. back for 13 to 15 minutes in 200 Celsius oven
  26. when almost baked, in the last minute or so, lay spinach leaves on top of your vegetarian pizza.

My vegan pizza recipe topping, gluten free, before baking

Before baking started

I’ve tried this vegan pizza with cheese (substitutes), and without. Frankly, plant based cheeses add nothing to it. So, save the money and just enjoy the delicious mix with Middle Eastern spices. In this picture, before baking you can see the crumbled tofu. Although it has plenty, it’s well disguised, and very tasty overall. Follow my tips & the topping will firmly stay in place.

Do you have a dish you’d like to share?

Please let me know if you like my version of this vegan tofu pizza recipe.

As you can see, it’s also an excellent version of several other vegetarian pizzas, depending on what you want.

Plus, please contact me with any other dishes you’d like to share with me.

An easy base for a quick, high protein, vegetarian pizza recipe topping.

base for the dish

Using a bought, gluten free pizza base makes for a quick convenient, but still delicious vegetarian pizza. I experimented with several gluten free bases, and found this to be the best. You can get them at Woolworths, & probably Coles, & freeze until needed. Let me know if you find any better options.

Use a wonderful Bali retreat to kickstart eating transformations

By the way, there’s are several upcoming Flametree retreats in Bali in 2024/2025.

Among the many other proven benefits of retreats, they’re also great events to experience the health and delights of vegetarian eating.

For example, over several retreats, I came to appreciate the wonderful benefits and enjoyment of vegan eating.

Best of all, I got all the benefits of cutting sugar. Check out my own cutting sugar story.

Plus, many of the recipes I share, I learnt at the free cooking class included in the retreat packages.

Learn more about plant based eating at a retreat

Some middle east vegetarian recipes we'll eat at Bali retreats

Flametree has upcoming retreats. Check them out at our Bali retreats pages.

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Meanwhile, start or re-start yoga or meditation with one of the HALF price deals below, or check out the retreat deals.

Flametree upcoming yoga & meditation retreats

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Hope you  enjoy this yummy, healthy, vegetarian pizza recipe. I (Chris) did!

my final healthy vegetarian pizza recipe & vegan & gluten free

This healthy, vegetarian pizza recipe is a delicious meal for two. Let me know what you think.

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