Darwin Dragon Fruit Recipes Dessert | Easy, Healthy Breakfast Too.

Top recipes using dragon fruit, mango, & tapioca pearls (aka sago).

Darwin dragon fruit recipes dessert

Check out healthy Darwin dragon fruit recipes dessert options, with a great mix of mango, tapioca pearl (aka sago). Get yummy Darwin dragon fruit recipes, & easy Darwin dragon fruit recipes for breakfast options. So, see more below for top recipes using dragon fruit. It’s also a dragon fruit sago recipe.

Dragon fruit sago recipe | How to

Soak sago (pearls), & simmer 20 minutes, until translucent. Stain & wash. Add coconut milk, orange juice, salt, vanilla to pot. Cook & stir. Add back sago, & cook a little more. Chill 2 hours. Puree any mix of Darwin dragon fruit, mangoes, etc. Serve sago & puree layers in a glass.

Many different fruits, or soft tofu, or any mix of them, can also be blended into your puree layers. See the more detailed steps below.

Dragon fruit is a superfood

Let’s be honest, a lot of people don’t think dragon fruit have a lot of taste.

But they have huge benefits, including for skin, hair, heart, immunity, and more.

In fact, Dragon fruit, is considered a “superfood”. For instance, it also has potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, some research indicates eating this exotic red fruit may potentially reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

So, I’ve been mixing mango, mango puree, tapioca pearls, and  dragon fruit recipe combinations.

In the pictures below, Dragon fruit creates the brilliant red and pink colours you see in some of the dragon fruit smoothies, or dragon fruit desserts.

Tapioca pearls, also known as sago, is also extremely good for your digestion. Also see more in our blueberry tapioca pearls recipe.

Below, see how to make even more of these delicious combinations.

Darwin dragon fruit recipes | healthy & delicious combinations.

Darwin dragon fruit recipes dessert with tapioca pearls

A Darwin dragon fruit recipes dessert with tapioca pearls at the white layer, plus solid pieces of dragon fruit among the whole glass of tapioca pearls (aka sago), and dragon fruit puree.

Ingredients: Darwin dragon fruit recipes dessert options

Here are the ingredients for your dragon fruit sago recipe (depending on exactly what you want to emphasise).

  • 1-2 ripe mangoes
  • at least half a red dragon fruit (see the whole fruit in the picture at the bottom of this page)
  • Half cup of dry Tapioca Pearls (sago), as pictured in another of our tapioca pearls recipes.
  • Vanilla pod… one, scraped out. (If you wish, see the vanilla pod I find the best).
  • Tin of normal coconut milk (not light)
  • 2 tbsps of fresh orange juice (i.e. squeeze a real orange)
  • Half tsp of salt, or less to your taste
  • 40 grams of soft tofu, but optional. (I find the organic brand called Earth Source has less, or none of the additives that sometimes cause upsets when you buy them in major supermarkets).

Plus, use whatever other delights you want to serve with it such as tropical passionfruit, and coconut yoghurt.

Darwin dragon fruit recipes breakfast or anytime

Darwin dragon fruit recipes breakfast with solid pieces

An option with solid pieces of dragon fruit on top, together with fresh mango, and mango puree. By the way, according to the well respected Cleveland Clinic, mangoes have their own impressive range of nutrients and health benefits.

How to make one of my favourite Darwin dragon fruit recipes

Make it with these steps.

  1. Pre-soak sago (Tapioca Pearls) for about 30 minutes to an hour. (Cover with water).
  2. Bring 6 cups of water to the boil
  3. Add tapioca
  4. Lower heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes
  5. Stir frequently so the pearls, or sago, does not stick together
  6. When it looks translucent (as in the picture below), pour the tapioca pearls into a fine mesh strainer, and run cold water over it. In other words, wash it so the pearls don’t stick together.
  7. Meanwhile, in same pot, add coconut milk, orange juice, salt, vanilla, and stir.
  8. Then, stir in the washed tapioca pearls, or sago, and cook a few more minutes on a low heat
  9. Remove from heat and chill in fridge for 2 hours minimum.
  10. Meantime, cut mangoes to fit into a blender
  11. Blend to a mango puree
  12. If you also want dragon fruit puree, then blend it the same way. Or just cut pieces to solid dragon fruit to go into the mix, as in the picture/s above.
  13. If you wish, add soft tofu into the mango puree, and blend some more
  14. Then, create the type of layers you see in the picture above, such as Tapioca, dragon fruit pieces, mango puree, and / or dragon fruit puree.

Cooking & straining the tapioca pearls (sago)

a tapioca recipe starts with cooking the pearls

Dragon fruit & other fruit combinations with tapioca all start with preparing the sago or tapioca pearls you see above. Here, after cooking for 15-20 minutes, they’re washed with cold water, in a strainer, so they don’t stick together.

Do you have a dish you’d like to share?

Please let me know if you like these options for a Darwin dragon fruit recipes dessert, or if you have any questions about the process.

Plus, please contact me with any other dishes you’d like to share with me.

Dragon fruit sago recipe options, with mango tofu puree

Includes mango puree layer

Darwin dragon fruit recipes healthy option including mango puree (in the yellow layer at the top), tapioca pearls or sago on the bottom, and fresh mango on top. Obviously, you can also add more dragon fruit puree, or solid pieces, as well.

A Bali retreat to kickstart eating transformations

By the way, there’s are several upcoming Flametree retreats in Bali in 2024/2025, including over Christmas / New year, Easter, and the August holiday periods.

At the retreats, there’s a lot of tropical fruits used, including other dragon fruit recipes dessert mixes with mango, tapioca, and much more.

Change your life via a plant based eating experience at a retreat. I did.

Some darwin city kebab recipes we'll eat at Bali retreats

Flametree has upcoming retreats. Check them out at our Bali retreats pages. I (Chris) changed my life, my eating habits, and dramatically improved my health via eating plant based, low sugar, high protein food at a Flametree retreat. See my own story of what was also a delightful experience.

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Meanwhile, start or re-start yoga or meditation with one of the HALF price deals below, or check out the retreat deals.

Flametree upcoming yoga & meditation retreats

2 FREE yoga classes with each HALF price 10 pack; for yoga newcomers or 3 months lapsed

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Darwin Dragon Fruit recipes dessert options start with getting this fruit

Darwin dragon fruit with a slice off it

Darwin dragon fruit, just like this, have a huge range of superfood benefits. That’s why it’s well worth building dessert and other recipes about them. But, start with these dragon fruit sago recipe combinations.


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