There were no beginner yoga class online options, or even beginner classes when I started.
We were all chucked into together. To say the least, I struggled!
I stayed because I got a lot from having a teacher, and still do.
For example, even as a yoga teacher, I took a long time to learn to do chaturanga dandasana (plank pose), as well as I wanted.
In the picture, Stuart is demonstrating the pose.
Plank yoga pose at Edith Falls, NT
You may have been in our classes where we use belts to help get into this pose.
I thought it was a pose that men found easy due to their upper body strength, and therefore I was always likely to struggle with it.
I was a tad resigned… at least in my mind!
I read every book about the posture, and asked some leading teachers. I was still not able to make the progress with the pose that I was chasing.
A teacher was the my missing ingredient
Then one day in Pune, India, in a Geeta Iyengar class, I saw Warrior One demonstrated. In the process, I realised that Chaturanga (plank pose) was about using the base of the spine, with much less use of the shoulders.
When you come into Warrior One, and you move the tail bone in, and work into the back leg, the entire side trunk and spine engages. It seemed to me, when I saw it, it almost looked to be done without effort.
I came to see that the same can apply to plank pose. When you come into plank pose, you engage your core immediately. You hold the firmness in your legs.
Then you can lower your trunk, and firm the upper arms into your sides.
The outcome is that you can move into the pose, and hold it, with what seems like less effort.
The spine is energised. It changes your perception of what the pose is about.
Being coachable
Among other things, it is a good example of how a teacher can contribute to you in ways you never realise.
In the process, I had to constantly remind myself to be coachable.
I had to accept that there was always something to learn, and that there were people who could help me quickly see what I could not see for myself.
It is also a good example how mindset can limit you, or empower you.
Good yoga is a physical and mental combination, and there are various dimensions to it.
Beginner yoga class online or in-studio, with 2 weeks free
The beginner packages, for beginner yoga online, or for in the studio, includes 2 weeks free yoga.
You can still start beginner level classes at any time.
Classes are taught to allow you to join at any time, and do the beginner courses when they run.
The week-to-week subscription deals below, give you a full 2 weeks free, right at the start of your subscription period.
You need to provide a credit card, but there is no charge until the end of the FREE two weeks. It’s obligation free. Just tell us if you don’t want to continue, once you’ve done the free two week trial.
All Special Focus Beginner classes are part of all these packages, plus much more.
You can do it as beginner yoga LIVE online, or in Flametree’s studio in Darwin Australia, or both.
Learn yoga, as soon as you want to start. Here are the week to week deals, each with 2 weeks free.
The unlimited IN-STUDIO weekly beginner pass is here ($15.95 a wk, after the free 2 weeks)
Beginner yoga at home deal is here ($9.95 a week, after the free 2 weeks)
The COMBINED in-studio & online yoga classes pass is here ($19.95 a wk)
There are also ten pass deals for beginners, both online and in the studio.
There are separate ten passes for online or in-studio. All our packages, for both beginners and non-beginners are here.