Quad – Four online classes a week

USD$22.87 / week

Quad – Four online classes a week

USD$22.87 / week

This pass is for hatha yoga taught in the Iyengar style offers you 4 online, interactive, non-beginner classes every week for one person only.

  • Access to any 4 online classes a week
  • Unlimited access to all Special Focus classes
  • Unlimited access to Yoga Education materials and classes, such as the bi-monthly Special Event class.

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Buy a pass then book a class

This pass is bought and paid weekly via a debit or credit card.

It can be paused up to 4 times a year. Just give Flametree at least 2 day’s notice.

  • Once you have bought a pass, you use our class booking app, called Punchpass, to book your classes.
  • When you buy, Flametree is notified and it will rapidly enable Punchpass to allow you to book classes.
  • You can access Punchpass here.
  • As soon as you book each class, the login to each online class will be sent to you. There’ll be a reminder just before the class
  • Please also consider what yoga props you want, as they will give you even more value from your yoga. See more about props.
  • For all packages, please choose a class that is suitable for your levels of skills. That will make it easy on you, and also is considerate of others in the class.

View other class options of 1, 2, 3, 4 classes every week, or our Ultimate (Unlimited) Household option.

We look forward to seeing you at Flametree Yoga Studio