Flametree Yoga Studio

10 HALF price yoga classes

Beginner Level Bonus: 5 FREE Classes

Get a discount, or SCROLL for details

Best online yoga classes Australia has.

Yoga online half price deal. It’s the best online yoga classes Australia has. In addition, there are beginner & non-beginner half price 10 packs. Learn yoga online now, or see details.

DOUBLE Deal Too:

  • Get TWO half off 10 packs (beginner or non-beginner).
  • When beginners buy 2 ten packs, you get 4 FREE classes.
  • But, 2 pack deal only available at the time you 1st buy.
  • 2 FREE class bonus only if you buy via e-commerce.

However, Beginners & Non-Beginners can buy 10 HALF price classes at our studios, with cash, or EFTPOS.

FREE Trial Class Too: Beginners & Non-Beginners still get a FREE trial class, before or after you’ve bought.

GUARANTEE. Plus, get your money back for 48 hours after you’ve bought, even if you did FREE trial class. So, no risk.

Beginners: get a discount code below, learn more, or scroll down to buy now (with or without any discount code).

NON-Beginners: see your HALF off 10 pack deals, including concession, & online only options.

Get Your HALF Price Discount, & 2 FREE Classes

* indicates required

Best online yoga classes Australia has.

  1. Any mix of up to 7 yoga for beginner classes a week.
  2. Or, via the non-beginner deal, any of 17 classes a week.
  3. Beginner classes are $4.95 each, or less
  4. Beginners also get 5 FREE classes if they act in 7 days.
  5. And, non-beginners get 10 at $6.95 each, or less.
  6. Immediate start, & flexible about when you attend.
  7. Electives: Gentle Yoga, Yoga For Backs, & Restorative Yoga.
  8. Help with anxiety, stress, focus, productivity, & more.
  9. Plus, improvements in fitness, performance, & flexibility.
  10. And, yoga is proven to help at least 117 conditions.
  11. LIVE guidance on doing poses safely, without injury.
  12. Yoga therapist advice on specific conditions.
  13. Help with waist issues (if it’s a goal for you).

* For newcomers to Flametree, or lapsed 6 months. The discount code must be used within a month of getting it. But, once you’ve bought the 10 Half price classes, you have 3 months to use them.


New ONLINE NON-Beginner, or lapsed 6 mths? 

Get NON-Beginner HALF off 10 Pack for yoga online (& concession option).

Half Price 10 Class Yoga Packs.

Fully Accredited LIVE Online From Darwin

BEGINNERS: new & lapsed 6 months

Here are 10 HALF price beginner classes to use for yoga classes online (or at Flametree’s 3 Darwin locations).

This 10 pack is usually $99 ($9.90 each). Instead, you get 10 in-studio or online classes, for just $4.95 each ($49.50 in total).

So, that’s less than $5 a class. Plus, get a BONUS of 5 FREE classes if you buy within 7 days of asking for the discount code.

One of the FREE classes is LIVE online yoga. Plus, 4 FREE classes are an introductory video yoga course, with unlimited use for 3 months.

best Online yoga Brisbane

Easy online yoga. Convenient, high quality yoga from anywhere.

Just enter your email, & you’ll get the $49.50 half price discount code, within a minute. (If you don’t, check your spam mail file, or contact us).

Then, use the half price code to get the passes to the LIVE online yoga classes, and the video yoga classes. Timetable is on our site, or in the reservations ap

NON-BEGINNERS: new & lapsed 6 months

A non-beginner online 10 pack is normally $139 (or $13.90 each). Instead, get 10 at $6.95 each ($69.50).

Plus, concession holders get 10 at just $5.50 each (or $55).

So, follow the links to the best online yoga Australia has. Then, use the discount code you’ll see at the red links above.


Highly Reputable Australian Studio With LIVE, Interactive, Online Classes

iyengar yoga live online classes

HALF Price For Newcomers & Lapsed 6 Months.

Buy online yoga classes right now, or with the discount code we'll email you right away.

Ongoing, basic yoga classes with other beginners

Our ongoing beginner level classes can be joined at any time, by total newcomers.

They’re easy, beginner yoga that you can start right away, without any introduction or other background.

You’ll be with other beginners, doing just basic yoga poses.

You’re teacher will, if needed, show you how to use, and improvise some yoga props. They help you get the full benefits of the poses.

So, to get started, all you need a non-slippery surface, or a mat. In addition, it’s ideal have these items:

  • a folded towel for your head,
  • a firm pillow,
  • a kitchen chair, and
  • one or two folded blankets.

Sometimes, the teacher will give you additional variations of the yoga poses so as to help with particular conditions you may have.

If you have any worry about whether you can do it, the Yoga For Backs Class, and Gentle Yoga classes, are the very easiest places to start.

Or, feel free to contact us, or use the CHAT button on this page.

So, get the discount code for this special HALF price offer.

Flametree Studio easy postures

You’ll be learning easy yoga poses that are accessible to all ages, genders, and levels of fitness.

Flametree Yoga Online, & Studio Locations

This 10 pack (& FREE classes), can be used for all online yoga classes, as well as studio classes in the Darwin NT region.

Online yoga classes are via Zoom. Get started in 3 easy steps.

  1. Get a HALF price 10 pack of classes.
  2. Reserve one of the LIVE classes.
  3. When it’s time for class, just click the link you’ll be sent.

(If you wish, see the timetables, or the 3 Darwin locations, via our site.)

BEGINNERS: 5-Class bonus if you buy within 7 days

Remember, if beginners buy within 7 days, you get an extra yoga pass for:

  • an additional, FREE, LIVE, online beginner yoga class.
  • 4-class yoga video course on introductory yoga. You can use this any time, for up to 3 months.

So, get this special HALF price offer and get 50% off the current price.

Even if you only watch the videos once. you get a total of 15 yoga classes at just $3.30 each. 

Plus, you’ve got unlimited use of the videos for up to 3 months.

If you don’t have the discount code, get it via putting your email in the box above. After that, we’ll send the discount code immediately.

So, get the discount code for this special HALF price offer.

Or, to buy now, use “Add To Cart” below.

Then, at checkout, add any discount code you have.


Beginner Yoga10 Packs (& 50% Off Deals With 2 FREE).


Beginner Yoga10 Packs (& 50% Off Deals With 2 FREE).


10 beginner classes | FREE & 50% off deal | Studio or online.

Normally AUD$99. For newcomers and lapsed 3 months, only $49.50 to get 10 one hour classes at $4.95 (Australian dollars) each.

Or go to NON-beginner half price deals.

(To see the price in other major currencies, use the buttons in the top right. For non-beginners, see below).

2 classes FREE & 10 more at 50% OFF

If you’re new or 3 months lapsed (away from classes), scroll to at “Add To Cart” below.

Then, use the discount code:


Plus, if new or lapsed people act within 7 days of visiting, you also get 2 extra classes for FREE.

Questions? Call or message us

If you have any questions, or issues with buying, call or message 0468 362 641.

Or email [email protected]

If we’re teaching when you reach out, leave a message, and we will return it ASAP.

Easy, introductory yoga for any age, size, gender

Use it as a beginner course, or for any of the many ongoing beginner level classes, to start or re-start yoga.

All beginner level classes are easy yoga suitable for any age, size, or gender.

If needed, you’ll also get individual variations to suit any condition you’re managing.

Up to 2 HALF price deals

You can also buy up to TWO ten packs (for 20 classes) at this half price discount.

(If you’ve already had one free trial class, then that’s counted within the 2 free classes you get when you first buy.)

So, newcomers and 3 months lapsed, using the HALFOFF code, get a total to 2 FREE classes included, with each HALF price 10 pack.

To buy now, use the discount code after “Add To Cart”, below.

Even cheaper beginner ONLINE only 10 pack

The same newcomer and lapsed HALF price deal is available for the beginner 10 pass for ONLINE classes only.

This online only deal is normally $79 in total, or $7.90 an online class.

Newcomers and 3 months lapsed (away from classes), get it for just $3.95 each at half price.

But, the above $99 (& half price) deal can also be used for BOTH online and in-studio classes.

OR, just use any other Flametree partner discount code you already have.

To buy, use the discount code after “Add To Cart”, below.

NON-Beginner HALF price deals too

To use and get discount codes for various HALF price NON-beginner 10 packs (for new & lapsed), follow the links at and to any of 4 non-beginner 10 pack pages.

There are very attractive HALF price new & lapsed:

At the non-beginner links above, you can use the same HALFOFF discount code.

Any of many beginner level weekly classes

This Beginner Pass (half price or otherwise) can be used for any mix of weekly beginner classes, at any Flametree location, or online.

(To attend non-beginner classes, you’ll need to buy a separate NON-beginner pass, as above).

Special Focus class options too

Beginner classes are at many times across each week.

Options include standard beginner yoga classes, and Special Focus beginner classes like:

  • Yoga For Backs, or Back Focus classes
  • Relaxation Yoga
  • Gentle Yoga
  • Easy Restorative Yoga.

See details studio and LIVE online classes are at the Beginner and Open Level Timetable. (or Xmas timetable in holiday periods).

Doable yoga at 50% OFF

Get doable, authentic yoga that delivers greater fitness, calmness, wellness, & happiness.

In total, new & lapsed get up to 24 beginner classes at $4.13 each, or 24 non-beginner classes at $8.13 each.

For instance, beat creeping stiffness or tummy. Plus, address a huge range of conditions.

Start a transformation with low cost, high quality yoga.

This is the best yoga deal you’ll ever find, with a 48 hour money back guarantee.

If new, or 3 months lapsed, use this discount code:  HALFOFF

Learn more below, or buy now.

How to use a discount coupon

If you have a discount coupon for this Ten Pass, or you’re using HALFOFF, then when you check out, insert the code into the discount coupon box.

At Checkout, on the left, you’ll see the box for the discount code.

Insert the code, and press “Apply Coupon“.

Then the price will be cut in half.

Plus, if you’ve acted within 7 days of visiting, then 2 additional FREE classes will be added to your shopping cart.

You’ll see the two extra classes when you use the 50% off discount code:


If you feel to know all you need in order to buy, please press Add To Cart now.

But, if you need it, there is more information below.

To get this 10 PASS now, just click “Add To Cart” below.

Then you’ll go direct to check out to complete the transaction (& use any coupon code)

SKU: FT-OSCLASS7 Categories: , ,

10 beginner yoga classes | 50% off & free deal | Studio or online

Woolner (near Parap), Coolalinga, Casuarina, Palmerston, & online

Are you searching for a beginners yoga course near me, or ongoing beginner level classes. This yoga pass gives you a flexible 10 class pass to join Flametree’s ongoing beginner level classes. You get the same learning and practise that you’ll get via Flametree’s mini Iyengar yoga beginners course, or any other beginner course. But, with this pass, you can start as soon as you like, and take as long as your passes last. It’s online, or in-studio at Flametree’s several locations in the Darwin region, in Australia.

If you’re already fine to go ahead with your purchase, the please proceed via the Add To Cart button above.

The information below is included for those who want more detail about beginner classes or packages.

Reservations only needed for online

By the way, there’s no need to do the same beginner classes each week.

Once you’ve bought a pass, you can just turn up for studio classes.

If you’re attending online, then also make a reservation. Then, a Zoom link will be emailed to you.

You can also buy with EFTPOS at Woolner, or cash at any other location. (Please have approximately the right change).

Easy beginner level poses for every situation

yengar yoga beginners course,

Chris Lalor, Flametree’s certified Senior Yoga Teacher and certified Yoga Therapist, demonstrates one of the many beginner level poses taught at Flametree. Remember, with this 10 pass, you get the same learning and practise that you’ll get in any Iyengar yoga beginners course, or otherwise. But, with this pass, you can start as soon as you like, & access a wide range of classes.

To buy, use the discount code after “Add To Cart”, above.

Contents of the rest of this page

If you need it, further down this page, there’s more on the following topics, or you can just go direct to the relevant link.

Otherwise, you can just go ahead and buy now via the “Add To Cart” e-commerce process above.

Further down, you can also see short videos on Beginner Yoga, Gentle Yoga, and yoga with a back focus.

Reach out for questions or help

If you have any questions, or issues with buying, call or message +61 (0) 468 362 641.

Use the same number on WhatsApp.

Or email [email protected]

New & lapsed: 2 free & 10 at 50% OFF

Beginner yoga course included

Transformation for new, lapsed, & continuing students.  Proven benefits for all.

Authentic yoga with huge benefits

Flametree Yoga teaches authentic yoga that’s clinically proven to deliver at least 117 benefits.

It’s genuine yoga, direct from India, taught by highly trained Australian teachers.

Flametree is a much loved yoga studio that’s delivered in Darwin, and online, for over 20 years.

Why yoga is the best exercise

Remember, yoga can prevent, fix, or help a wide range of conditions.

Most importantly, more than any other type of exercise, Flametree’s authentic yoga works on both parts of your automatic nervous system.

One part of your nervous system revs you up. The other part calms you down.

But, we can all get stuck in revving up constantly! So, the result is sleeplessness, irritability, worry, trauma, & much more.

Instead, the right mix of authentic yoga postures “talk” directly to the nervous system.

The right mix of genuine yoga poses, taught in the right order, will calm, refresh, and rejuvenate.

Get the power of mindfulness in your life

Restorative Yoga Coolalinga

Restorative Yoga Coolalinga or Woolner are some of the many special focus options you get. Like all our classes, it cut stiffness, & stress based eating. Among many other benefits, yoga delivers you mindful eating.

Low cost fitness & wellness

Flametree’s doable yoga also delivers a highly crafted mix of postures for strength, fitness and flexibility… as well as poses that deliver calmness, energy, and much more.

Get started with high quality yoga at a price you can very affordably build into your life, now and over a longer term.

Don’t settle for living with conditions that can be avoided, or addressed.

Look better, feel better, and be happier.

50% OFF & a money back guarantee

Even better, get TWO half price ten packs, each with 2 FREE classes included in the deal.

In total, that gives up to 24 beginner classes at $4.13 each, or 24 non-beginner classes at $8.13 each.

For your peace of mind, there’s also a 48 hour money back guarantee.

To start, go to “Add To Cart” above.

Then, if new or 3 months lapsed, use this discount code: HALFOFF

Learn more, or buy now.

A choice of many regular beginner yoga & Special Focus classes

Beginner yoga for backs Darwin NT

Beginner yoga for backs (Darwin or beyond) is just one of the many Special Focus class options with this 10 pack deal. You’ll learn doable yoga for a wide range of conditions, & much more. Mix and match the classes each week to suit you.

Where to get non-beginner classes at 50% OFF

The half price beginner pass cannot be used for any non-beginner classes, (excluding Open Level classes).

So, this 10 pass also can’t be used for Pranayama (Breath Meditation), or the Women’s Wellness class, or the Restorative and Immune System class.

If you’re unsure, see the classes that are on the Beginner timetable.

To get any mix of HALF price non-beginner deals for newcomers and 3 months lapsed, use the same HALFOFF discount code at the pages for NON-beginner 10 packs.

“Refer-a-friend” half price option for others

If you and a friend you refer each buy this beginner ten pass (even if you are an existing student), then you also each get a half off your 10 pass.

If your friend is also a newcomer, or lapsed 3 months, then you can both of course just buy this pass at half price (as newcomers or lapsed).

A newcomer is a person who have never done yoga classes, or pranayama, at Flametree yoga.

In addition, if you are an existing Flametree student, and you’re bringing a friend, then both you and your friend can get a half price 10 class pass.

You and your friend can both use this discount code: GROUPHALFOFF

Send us a note telling us the friend you referred. Or tell us at class.

Existing students can refer a friend in return for a half off pass

beginners yoga course near me

With online yoga, you always get the option of a beginners yoga course near me (right in your own home or office). Plus, with this 10 class pass, you can start learning right now.

Get a pass, & get started

Once you’ve bought the ten pass, you’ll be emailed a receipt immediately.

The standard beginner pass for ten classes gives you total flexibility, at $9.90 a class, or less. It’s a saving of $1.10 per class from the casual rate of $13 per class. It’s a very good option if you plan to come to one class a week or so.

The ten pass is normally valid for 3 months. But, if you need it extended, tell us at class, or contact us.

In-studio classes are at Flametree’s Darwin locations in Woolner, Casuarina, Coolalinga Central, and Palmerston.

Please note that at Palmerston, the Saturday morning class is at an air-conditioned room at the Swell Swim centre.

(The Google maps at the above links shows you more details, including street addresses.)

Maybe best of all, no class is closer to you than a LIVE online class you can do in your own living room or bedroom. Many Flametree student do a mix of online and in-studio classes.

If you need it, check out the easy online set up steps for online classes.

Steadily learn whatever pose you want to do

Yoga Swell Palmerston NT

You can stay in beginner level classes for as long as you like. If you wish, over time, you’ll also learn a wide range of other yoga poses. Plus, Flametree teaches poses that deliver all the benefits without having to do flashy options that you may not want to try.

Cheaper pay-by-the-week options for later

If you’re likely to come to two or more yoga classes a week, then check out the in-studio weekly pass options.

With this pay-by-the-week pass, you can come to unlimited classes, so they can be even cheaper.

Other options include the even lower cost unlimited online pay-by-the-week pass.(See more details above).

Online only 10 pass creates a “beginners yoga course near me” in your bedroom

If you’re only doing online classes, and want total flexibility, then the Online Only Ten Pass is an attractive, low-cost option.

Many Beginner level classes run every week, including Special Focus options.

See more about some of them in the videos below.

LIVE, online beginner courses or classes, plus video courses

yoga course for beginners

You can also use your PC, tablet or phone to join Flametree classes. Or, see our beginner course video packages too.

Includes all beginner level Special Focus classes

All beginner level classes have easy poses that all can do.

You won’t find any other beginner yoga deal that gives you such a wide range of options, let alone a HALF price for new & lapsed 3 months.

You can use this pass with all the many weekly beginner classes shown on the Beginner Timetable.

If you want to see more about the classes, scroll down to some of the videos below, or look under the “CLASSES” tab on the Flametree Yoga site.

Beginner level classes are an ongoing beginners yoga course option

The advantage of this 10 pack is that you can start beginner yoga classes immediately, and do a huge range of beginner classes.

At the same time, at each and every class, you’re learning and revising appropriate yoga skills.

That’s why all beginner level classes in our timetable, also amount to being an ongoing beginners course.

All beginner level classes are also adjusted to the level of those in the class.

Plus, the teacher will also give discrete, individual variations as needed.

If you’re managing a particular condition, just mention it to the teacher.

For example, the teacher will provide a prop to assist with getting the most from a particular yoga pose, or tell you suitable variations to the pose.

Men are about a third of each class

yoga man

Beginner classes at Flametree are for any gender, size, age, or level of fitness.

How to use a discount coupon 

If you have a discount coupon for this Ten Pass, (or the above online only ten pass), when you check out, insert the code into the discount coupon box.

So, if you want flexibility, and top value for a “beginners yoga course near me”, or any other beginner level class, then try this 10 Pass.

You can use it online, or in-the-studio, or both.

Use this pass for classes at Flametree Yoga Palmerston, Flametree Yoga Casuarina, Flametree Yoga Coolalinga, or Flametree Yoga Darwin. (In other words, at all Flametree’s several locations across the Darwin region.

This pass is not transferable to another student, and must normally be used within 3 months. (But, if you need, please ask and it will be extended).


To get this 10 PASS now, for a beginners course near you, or whatever, just click “Add To Cart” above.

Then you’ll go direct to check out to complete the transaction.

Kim with blocks

To start right now, buy this pass, & reserve a class. Start your own “beginners yoga course near me” right now. Learn easy yoga that all can do. 

Videos on beginner yoga benefits and deals

Are you still thinking about beginner yoga, or the beginner yoga benefits you’ll get from it?

Then check out these videos of some beginner poses, their benefits, & the beginner deals.

Remember, if you want flexibility and top value for a “beginners yoga course near me”, or any other beginner level class, then try a 10 Pass Online & Studio.

For example, see our beginner video packages.

If you’re not in the Darwin region, then the LIVE online & video combination is another good option.

Or check out all popular passes.

Kim’s video story of her beginners yoga course journey

(Kim is one teacher of beginner classes)

Video on benefits of beginner yoga, and / or mini beginners yoga course

Gentle Yoga Classes are a top option with a beginners yoga course near me ten pass

The Beginner Course options, and weekly beginner class deals, include at least two Gentle Yoga Classes each week. This video tells you more about Gentle Yoga.

Remember, with this 10 pass, you get the same learning and practise that you’ll get via Flametree’s mini Iyengar yoga beginners course, or an other beginner course.

But, with this pass, you can start as soon as you like.

Raj’s video story of how yoga fixed his back

If you want flexibility and top value for a “beginners yoga course near me”, or any other Flametree beginner level classes, then try 10 Pass Online & Studio.

At Flametree’s Iyengar yoga beginners course and other beginner classes, you get easy, introductory yoga poses that all can do.

Plus, if needed, yoga poses you’ll be given in each class are customised just for you.

If you have any questions, or issues with buying, call or message 0468 362 641.

Or email [email protected]

What students say about Flametree Yoga and it’s benefits

If you’re still not sure about yoga, check out reviews of what customers say about their yoga classes at Flametree.

In addition, see the wide range of benefits received from both online or in-the-studio yoga at Flametree.

Remember, with this 10 pass, you get the same learning and practise that you’ll get via Flametree’s mini Iyengar yoga beginners course, or any other beginners course. Plus, many find our ongoing beginner level classes are a much better, and more flexible option than any kind of beginner courses.

In addition, with this pass, you can start as soon as you like, and get a huge range of options.

Buy now, or maybe watch some of these very short videos.

To buy now at half price, to to Check Out above, & use the discount code HALFOFF

To get this 10 PASS now, just click “Add To Cart” above. You’ll go direct to check out to complete the transaction.

Need more information before you buy, or get discount code? No problem.

Take a look at the full description of the beginner 10 pack of online yoga classes.

Or, see more about the NON-Beginner 10 packs for online yoga (including the half price discount code).

Then come back here to get the beginner half off 10 pack discount code.

yoga online australia

Flametree’s yoga classes will suit any age, gender, or fitness level.

Types of yoga at Flametree Darwin yoga studios

Beginner class type options include these:

  • hatha yoga (in the Iyengar style)
  • restorative yoga (closely related to yin yoga)
  • gentle yoga online or in-studio
  • yoga for seniors (via either Gentle Yoga or Yoga For Backs, as below)
  • pregnancy yoga, or prenatal yoga online or in-studio

Additional class types for NON-Beginners

  • Any of the above classes, PLUS
    • flow yoga (similar to vinyasa yoga)
    • immune system yoga
    • therapy yoga with a registered yoga therapist
    • breath meditation (AKA pranayama or mindfulness meditation)
    • fertility yoga online or in-studio.

Christine Lalor, Flametree’s registered yoga therapist in Darwin, runs 2 weekly classes which are suitable for those wanting yoga therapy. In the above list, these classes are Gentle Yoga, and Yoga For Back Neck and Shoulders.

So, depending on your situation, you might to do either or both. Come to either class and speak with Chris before the class, or contact us as below.

Additional options and information

Beginners can also do Immune System Yoga, and breath meditation, after 3 months of beginner yoga. (But all yoga will immediately also start helping your immune system).

Below, in the diagram, see more about the many benefits of yoga.

Private classes and Corporate Yoga can also be started at any level, at any time. (See our site for more information).

Contact us if you need guidance, or use the CHAT button.

Handstands are taught in easy preparatory steps that all can learn. They help with upper body strength, energy, & more.

Flametree Yoga props & mats

The best way to start is simply get a pass and attend a first class.

If you’re online at home, it’s a good idea to have a least a non-slip yoga mat, or any non-slip surface. If you wish, see more on yoga props, including how to improvise them for online yoga.

To clarify, please note that only 6 of Flametree Yoga’s beginner classes each week are LIVE, interactive online yoga. Of course, you can see these at the beginner timetable.

However, beginners can also use the 3 months of unlimited FREE yoga videos to do classes at any time, at your convenience. Of course, this is especially useful if you do shift work, or have family meals to attend to, or whatever.

So, try out the best online yoga classes Australia has.

So, get the discount code for this special HALF price offer.

darwin fitness centres yoga for beginners

Beginners: get 5 extra online yoga classes if you start within 7 days of getting the discount code. 

Best online yoga classes Australia has

​So, that’s all part of why this HALF price 10 pack is such a good option for new students.

In particular, for beginner yoga students, the 4 FREE yoga videos will allow you flexible access to Flametree’s accredited Senior Yoga Teacher, as she takes you through basic yoga.

Do this basic yoga course at any time that suits you, for up to 3 months.

Regular yoga will help ensure you get the many benefits outline in the image below.

Benefits of online yoga, or in-studio yoga


Get all of these benefits of yoga happening more in your life.

Newcomers & lapsed get low-cost yoga classes with many benefits

Flametree’s hatha yoga classes are the best form of exercise for any any age, gender, or fitness level.

At Flametree, it’s so affordable, you can easily get a pass, and start a class. Then, prove the benefits to yourself.

So, get the discount code for this special HALF price offer.

Gertrude Knight Of Flametree Yoga

A Flametree teacher demonstrating a simple stretch to straighten the spine, and improve posture. With our yoga online Australia wide classes, the teacher on stage can see and hear you, and give you tips to get the most from your yoga. So, it’s LIVE, interactive, yoga online, plus free videos if you’re quick.

Weight loss via Flametree Yoga online

​Flametree’s yoga classes are also one of the best places to manage or reduce weight.

​In particular, Flametree’s style of group fitness classes, with a mix of flow yoga, and restorative yoga, plus advice on related issues from our Senior Yoga Teacher, can help you with any weight issues that are important to you.

For instance, on the public Google profile page for Flametree, see this recent review from a current Flametree student. She says:

“I’ve been attending regular classes at Flametree for 12 months. They’ve had such a positive and transformative impact on my health and wellbeing. 

Before that, I’d struggled with chronic back pain for a few years. It had contributed to substantial weight gain, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. 

But, starting with the beginner program, I’ve slowly regained strength and mobility. In addition, I’ve got a sense of control over some of the spiraling effects these conditions have had. 

As well, through regular practice, attending various workshops, and focus classes, I’ve learned to adopt a more mindful approach to movement and food choices. So, I have lost 30 kgs in the process. 

Just a year ago I could not foresee this as being remotely possible. 

Plus, the instructors at Flametree are amazing – really knowledgeable and welcoming, and the classes cater to all ages and levels of experience.”

In addition, if you wish, check out other Flametree Yoga reviews.

Buy a Flametree pass, & start a yoga class, today.

australia at home

Try the best yoga online Australia has. Remember, all you need is a phone, PC, or tablet. If you wish, see more about basic yoga props you can improvise at home.

Flametree Yoga online for all your yoga needs

So, try the Flametree Yoga online half price deal. Then, you’ll get the best online yoga classes Australia has.

To get underway, use either beginner & non-beginner half price 10 packs.

Remember, for non-beginner deals, including concession options, see our selection of online non-beginner 10 passes. Then, use the half price discount code provided on those pages.

Above all, learn yoga online now, or see more details at the links provided.

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Plus, you’ll get the link where you use the code to buy at HALF Price.