Get Up & Go Morning Class For Top Yoga Fitness
Get Up And Go is an early morning class, available in-studio, online, and in Flametree’s library of Yoga Videos.
It’s an active class that will start by gradually waking your muscles.
The in-studio and LIVE online class is on Mondays, from 6.30-7.30 AM (Darwin NT time).
Yoga fitness is exercise which works at least evenly on both of your nervous systems. Conventional exercise has too much more focus just on your “rev up” or sympathetic nervous system, plus it also often develops muscles that actually end up making you less flexible.
This class will also include appropriate poses for your “rest and digest” nervous system so that you energise and de-stress as well. It is not necessary to feel exhausted in order to maximise your cardio fitness, strength, and flexibility.
With this class, among other things, you get long, toned muscles, and strength without bulk.
It’s taught by Gertie Knight. With many hours of teaching and training under her belt, including a lot of active yoga, she is well equipped to teach this class.
The class especially suits Beginners, Transition to Intermediate, and Intermediate level students.
It will not include inversions, but you are welcome to hang in our ropes if you arrive early.
Doing this class will improve your focus, and your energy, for your whole day. Plus, if you get caught up at work, or have an engagement after work, you’ll have gotten your exercise and yoga fitness done for the day.
Beginner & Non-Beginner Yoga Fitness
If you’re new to Flametree Yoga, try out this Get Up & Go class via either of the two buttons below. They also include Flametree’s beginner and non-beginner timetables for live online, or in-studio classes.