Employee / Member discount deal
Flametree yoga offers a discount for its beginner yoga program.
It is available to workplaces or membership organisations.
As you may know, there is evidence-based research that shows yoga improves mental and physical health, engagement at work, and cuts turnover and sickness costs.
Yoga is particularly useful for reducing stress, anxiety, trauma and depression. It therefore helps reduce some of the awful impacts of these conditions.
For organisations that have made a discount arrangement with Flametree, their staff or members can get a 22.5% discount on Flametree’s five-week beginner yoga program. The beginner course can be done as many times as students wish.
The course offers any mix of many classes a week of beginner yoga. Special focus options within the course include Anxiety, Backcare, Women Only, Full Figure, Fifty Plus, Easy Restorative, and Youth Focus (8 years upwards).
All that is required on the part of the organisation is to consistently let employees or members know of the discount arrangement with Flametree. Employees or members then pay by credit card or cash at the studio, at the discounted rate of $69 for the full five-week package. (The public pays $89 unless they buy multiple passes together).
When your employee or member comes to their first class, Flametree will ask the name of your organisation (and there must be a discount arrangement in place with that organisation).
Management teams can obviously advise staff or members of the discount arrangement whichever way they choose, such as signs or electronic communication. If requested, Flametree can supply signs, small flyers with class timetables, or business cards.
If management teams advise Flametree that will be actively letting people know of the discount, then we will activate the discount program for employees or members who come from that organisation.
If there is reasonable volume of folk claiming the discount, we’d be happy to further increase the discount.
On site class option
These external yoga classes at our City and Woolner studios can work whether or not organisations offer a weekly yoga class on your own location… via Flametree Yoga, or others.
Employees (and the workplace) will get the most benefits from yoga if employees do 2-4 yoga classes a week. Our beginner program offers any combination of many beginner classes a week, on each day except Sunday. With the beginner package, employees or members can do an unlimited number of classes each week, and vary which classes they attend each week.
Flametree is also happy to discuss providing a class at your location or elsewhere. It could be a standalone arrangement at your location, or an optional add-on to the external beginner course outlined above, or both.
There may of course be other various advantages to also offering at least some classes at your own site. For example, it may spur some people into action, and it can help with building more cooperation among team members.
Obviously, having your employees or members buy at discount involves no cost to an organisation, other than letting people know about the beginner course. To accelerate take-up, organisations could of course subsidise their people to do the course.
Type of yoga and course dates
We offer very regular beginner courses.
Flametree teaches modern classical yoga, under the supervision of its owner, Chris Lalor, who is an objectively certified and high-level teacher, and long-term Darwin resident. This type of yoga if proven to deliver the many benefits of yoga. We regularly post about the benefits on the Facebook Page of Flametree Yoga Studio.
There are further levels of yoga training above beginners, with Flametree offering approximately 50 classes a week at its two studios.
Once people learn yoga, they can also do it at home, or while travelling. Generally however, students will find that instruction and a group setting makes it easier to get a regular yoga practice done, or as a complement to home practice.
If you wish to proceed with offering the staff discount scheme, please just let us know what you plan to do, so we can activate the discount program for your organisation.
To discuss, contact Stuart on 0468 362 641, or Chris on 0448 11 22 51.